Circuit Training 6

It's important to stay active while you're studying and working from home. Take some time out of each day to complete one of our health and fitness activities.

Joke of the Day

Q. Why can’t Cinderella play soccer? 

A. Because she is always running away from the ball!


  • Stopwatch
  • Water bottle
  • Hat (if outside)
  • Towel 


Complete three sets of the following exercises with one to two minutes rest between sets. This workout should take approximately 15 minutes.

  • Cart Wheel/Round Offs
  • Lower Body: Glute bridges x 30
  • Upper Body: Clap Push ups
  • Legs: Forward, Side, Reverse Lunge x 15 each side
  • Abs: Dead Bug x 30 seconds   
  • Cardio: Side Shuffles or Sprints x 1 min

More information about circuit training: 

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