
The Week Ahead - Term 1, Week 2

Monday 3 February - Friday 7 February 2025

From the Head of College

From the Head of College

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Welcome back to the 2025 school year! It has been wonderful to welcome the students back to the college this week. We have been eagerly waiting for the energy, laughter, learning and noise to return to the various learning spaces and yards around Concordia! A special welcome is extended to all our new students and their families. I am honoured to serve as your Head of College and look forward to getting to know you better over the coming weeks as together we grow a strong and transparent working relationship. We are thankful for travel mercies and the safe return of all our families and staff.

My wife, Sylvia, and I had a wonderful break holidaying on the Sunshine Coast as well as catching up with family and friends over Christmas and the new year. The extended break was again a timely reminder that allocating quality time to step away from the demands of work life should be a deliberate course of action course of action to take care of our well-being.

From the College Pastor

From the College Pastor

Welcome to Concordia for the 2025 school year!

As I write this, there are the new Year 7 students and other new students excitedly chatting and exploring our campus on their orientation day. After the long Christmas break, life is returning to the school and there is a buzz in the air. I hope and pray that you had a wonderful Christmas, a joyful celebration of our Lord鈥檚 birth and all that means for us, and some time for rest and refreshment over the summer holidays.

Community News

From the Director of Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

Happy New Year to all our Concordia families! I鈥檇 also like to take the chance to warmly welcome all new families to our college community. I hope that the beginning of the school year has been a smooth transition, and you have felt welcomed into our Concordia family.

From the Director of Marketing and Community Engagement

Welcome to 2025 at Concordia 女女视频 College!

Welcome back to a brand-new year at Concordia 女女视频 College! We hope you had a fantastic holiday break and are ready for an exciting year ahead.

This year, we are delighted to welcome the families of well over 100 new students who have joined the Concordia community. We couldn鈥檛 be happier to have you with us and look forward to an incredible year of learning, growth, and connection together!

Tennis Coaching Unavailable Term 1

At this time of term, we would usually be advertising Tennis Coaching with Robert Williams for our students. Robert has made contact to advise he will be unable to offer Tennis Coaching for Term 1 this year. He will be using this term to focus on a health issue and is looking forward to returning to his usual coaching in Term 2.

Project Based Learning at Concordia

Junior College

From the Junior College Directors of Campus

Welcome to 2025!

We trust that you all had a relaxing break over the Christmas holidays and are now ready for the excitement and busyness of a new school year. As always, returning to the school routine can take a little time, but we were fortunate to have had this short week to ease ourselves back in. As we both walked around our respective campuses over the last three days, it was wonderful to see our students settled and already diving straight into their learning with enthusiasm and focus.

Book Club Orders

The first issue of our 2025 Book Club is up and running! If you are new to Book Club, the following link contains instructions on how to sign up, order and how Book Club works

Issue one closes on 17/2/2025

You can order online by visiting

Using and Updating Parent Lounge

Updating Student Medical Details
As a priority, please check your and ensure that all records are accurate and up to date. Please add any food intolerances under Medical Conditions, selecting one of the many options in the drop-down box relating to 鈥楢llergic鈥 or 鈥楧iet鈥. If the food intolerance you need to enter isn鈥檛 listed, please select 鈥楧iet 鈥 Other鈥 and include the specifics in the 鈥楧etails鈥 section.

Using and Updating Parent Lounge
We are always investigating ways to utilise Parent Lounge for effective communication between parents and the College. We have uploaded some short tutorial videos that have been created by TASS (Parent Lounge developer) to assist parents with becoming familiar with Parent Lounge. These videos can be found under School Links > Tutorial Videos 鈥 Parents.

The following tutorial videos are currently available:

Updating Media Consent, Intercampus Travel & ICT Policy
It is important that the College maintains accurate records of parents鈥 consent regarding media, intercampus travel and ICT (information communication technology). Existing families are reminded that consent from previous years carries over each year until graduation. If you would like to update your records, please complete .

Student Absences - Notifying the College

Advising the College
Please advise the College via  if a student is going to be absent for one or more days.  This should be done prior to 8.30am on the day of the absence.  If your student is absent, but you have not notified the College via Parent Lounge, you will receive an SMS notification during the morning. In this case, you need to acknowledge the absence via Parent Lounge as soon as possible.

Cancelling Bus Transport
If Inter-Campus Bus travel has been booked for your child and you wish for your child to not catch the bus for any reason, you must cancel the travel in the RollCall App.  An updated Bus List is printed from RollCall every afternoon to ensure that the correct students catch the bus.  If you have not updated Roll Call with an intended absence, it is likely that we will place your child on the bus as per the current RollCall travel bookings. 

Cancelling Tuckshop
Please remember that if your child is away on a Tuckshop day, you will need to contact your Campus Reception by 9.00am to request a cancellation of the Tuckshop order and receive a refund.

Outside School Hours Care

Hume Street Campus

Severe Egg and Nut Allergies in our Community

Dear Parents

We'd like to remind you of the allergies of some of our students and how we can work together to support them. We do have students with severe allergies to nuts and to egg.

HSC Weekly Events

Please  to view HSC's Events for Term 1 2025, Week 2.

HSC Drive Through and Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures

Thank you for your patience in the Drive Through in the mornings and afternoons. I know it can be an extremely busy time.  Please see below some important information relating to our Drive Through and Drop Off/Pick Up processess

HSC Prep to Year 6 Term 1 Classroom Overviews

Please find below links to the Term 1 Classroom Overviews.

Warwick Street Campus

WSC Weekly Events

Please to view WSC's Events for Term 1, Week 3.

WSC Parent Connect Family Fun Afternoon - Friday 7 March

Please to register your attendance to this exciting event.

WSC Parent Connect First Meeting - Tuesday 18 February

Our first Parent Connect meeting for 2025 will be held this Tuesday 18 February at 5.30pm in the Resource Centre.

Everyone is welcome to attend. Please see the 鈥渇undraising鈥 and 鈥渇riend raising鈥 ideas for 2023 below:

Term 1
7 March - Family Fun Afternoon

Term 2       
8 May - Mother鈥檚 Day Stall  
13 June - Disco        

Term 3
4 September - Father鈥檚 Day Stall 

Warwick Street campus has a Facebook page where the parents of the campus can connect, ask questions, and share information. This page is private. Apply and admin will approve within a short time. Our page is called 'WSC Parent Connect'. 

WSC Prep to Year 6 Term 1 Classroom Overviews

Please find below links to the Term 1 Classroom Overviews.

Stephen Street Campus

From the Director of Stephen Street Campus

A warm and heartfelt welcome to the 2025 school year! It is with a great sense of anticipation that we begin this new year together, especially as we extend a special welcome to our Year 7 students and their families, along with other new families moving into our close Concordia community. Starting secondary school is an exciting milestone, and we are thrilled to have you join Concordia. This is a time of new friendships, new challenges, and new opportunities to grow in faith, knowledge, and character, and we are here to support all students through every part of this journey.

Register your interest to join our Debating Teams!

The QDU debating season is about to start and are looking for interested students/teams that would be interested in being involved to represent Concordia. Students will need to commit to training as a group as well as attending the debates across Term 1 and Term 2. The deadline for teams to be registered is Friday 7 February, please let Katharina Riehl Katharina.riehl@concordia.qld.edu.au and Jess Hogan Jessica.hogan@concordia.qld.edu.au know asap if you are interested.

Sport News

Welcome to Concordia Sport for 2025. An email was sent to all SSC parents and students, which includes some very important information for Sports for the year. If you have not already please ensure you read through this information. If you did not receive this email or have any questions regarding any sports matters, please don鈥檛 hesitate to contact me.

Throughout the year, all sports information will be posted in parent and student lounge, in the Week Ahead and via our dedicated sports social pages Instagram: Concordia.Sport Facebook: Concordia Sport. Please ensure you are checking these platforms for regular updates.

Our first big event, the Inter-house Swimming Carnival, is next Wednesday, and a program for the day will be sent out early next week. Some of our term 1 competition sports (Volleyball & Futsal) also kick off next week, so keep an eye on your emails for more details, if you are a part of these teams.

We are looking forward to another big year of Sport and all the wonderful opportunities the year will bring.


Boarding News

Hello to all our 2025 Boarder families!

Week 1 鈥 What a fabulous week! We have welcomed 12 new boarders to our Boarding houses this week. All students arrived on time and with huge smiles on their faces. Some nervous but overall ready to start their Concordia Journey. Boarders have started to form friendships which will be enhanced with our Compulsory Boarders activity day this Saturday. We are all very excited.

Welcome from the Leadership Team