The Week Ahead - Term 1, Week 7

Monday 10 - Friday 14 March, 2025

From the Head of College

From the College Pastor

Community News

Privacy Collection Notice

Please be advised that The Australian Government Department of Education (the department) have requested Concordia ŮŮÊÓƵ College provide the residential address and other information of all our students. See the link below for more information.

Concordia ŮŮÊÓƵ College Garden Gala

You're Invited!

SSC Parent Connect invites all of our College Community to our Garden Gala. (Adult Only event)

Date: March 22nd
Time: 5:30 PM
Cost: $50 per person

Where: Pear Shaped Garden

*Function centre in the event of inclement weather

Dress Code: Formal Garden Party Attire

Please see the image below for more information. Book

Engage Youth Fundraiser - Concordia ŮŮÊÓƵ College Painting

There are 5 x limited edition copies (of 20) of the Max Conlon prints of Concordia ŮŮÊÓƵ College still available. These prints are for sale for $150 each. All proceeds go to support ŮŮÊÓƵ Youth in our region.

Please contact Ingrid Steinhardt at the following email if interested - ingridksteinhardt@gmail.com 

2024 Next Step Year 12 Completers Survey

All Year 12 completers from last year will soon receive an invitation to participate in the Next Step survey. This is their chance to help our school to understand the different pathways of the 2024 Year 12 students and to improve our senior programs and supports for future students. The survey only takes five minutes and asks graduates about their study and work activities since finishing school.

As a thank you for participating, Year 12 completers who complete the survey will be entered into a draw to win a MacBook Air.

We ask parents, siblings and friends to encourage our graduates to complete the survey. If their contact details have changed, please assist survey interviewers by providing their updated details or forward the survey to their new address so they can participate. Graduates may receive an invitation by mail, email or phone. The survey can be completed online or by phone.

For more information about Next Step, including previous results, visit .

Project Based Learning at Concordia

Junior College

JC Year 2 Royal Bulls Head Inn Excursion - Thursday 13 March

On Thursday 13 March, JC Year 2 classes will be going on an excursion to the Royal Bulls Head Inn.

As part of their local history studies, Year 2 students will visit the Royal Bulls Head Inn to develop their awareness of local history and community heritage.

Please for all the details and provide permission in if you haven't already done so.

JC Harmony Day - Friday 21 March

At Concordia ŮŮÊÓƵ College we are blessed to have many families from many cultures. We will be celebrating these different cultures with a special Harmony Day shared lunch. Please see the details below…

Please complete this  and deliver it and your favourite family meal to the HSC Tuckshop or the WSC Resource Centre.  We will have ovens etc. that can keep some foods warm if needed.

All parents are invited to join us for this lovely celebration.  

HSC Families - Please be mindful of our 'no nuts' and 'no uncooked egg' policy.
WSC Families - Please be mindful of our 'no nuts' policy.

Outside School Hours Care

Hume Street Campus

HSC Campus Photos – Monday 31 March

HSC Campus Photos – Monday 31 March
Our campus photos are scheduled for Monday 31 March. Please ensure your child/ren are in the correct uniform. Students in Prep will wear their sports uniform.  All students from Years 1 to 6 are required to wear their formal uniform (Boys - No Ties)

Family Photos
To enable parents to purchase a family photo of all or some of their children who attend Concordia ŮŮÊÓƵ College, photos of siblings will be taken in the Hume Street Hall between 7.30am and 7.45am on photo day. 

It will be the parents’ responsibility to get their SSC children to HSC for the family photo and then take them to SSC ready for school before 8.30am. If you would like family photos done, please collect a family photo envelope from Reception prior to photo day. 

HSC Weekly Events

Please  to view HSC's Events for Term 1 2025, Week 7.

Warwick Street Campus

WSC Weekly Events

Please to view WSC's Events for Term 1, Week 7.

WSC Free Prep Vision Screening - Monday 17 March

On Monday 17 March our Prep class will be participating in the Primary School Nurse Health Readiness Program. We are a Queensland Government service that offers Free Vision Screening to all children enrolled in Prep. Participation in this free vision screening program is not a compulsory. 

Good vision is important for a child’s educational, physical and social development. Vision screening checks for common eye conditions that may impact your child’s ability to see and therefore impact their learning and development. Parents do not need to be present for screening, however if you would like to be, please contact Campus Reception to arrange this.

WSC Campus Photos – Monday 24 March

WSC Campus Photos – Monday 24 March
Our campus photos are scheduled for Monday 24 March. Please ensure your child/ren are in the correct uniform. Students in Prep will wear their sports uniform.  All students from Years 1 to 6 are required to wear their formal uniform.

Family Photos
To enable parents to purchase a family photo of all or some of their children who attend Concordia ŮŮÊÓƵ College, photos of siblings will be taken in the Warwick Street Campus Shed between 8am and 8.15am on photo day. 

It will be the parents’ responsibility to get their SSC children to WSC for the family photo and then take them to SSC ready for school before 8.30am. If you would like family photos done, please collect a family photo envelope from Reception prior to photo day. 

WSC Kindy - Weekly Events

Stephen Street Campus

Sport News

Sports News – Term 1, Week 6

Volleyball - Round 5


Welcome from the Leadership Team