The Week Ahead - Term 1, Week 9
Monday 21 March to Friday 25 March 2022
From the Head of College
Dear Parents and Caregivers
This week we had the opportunity to install and welcome our newest staff members as well as affirming our current staff for the year ahead 鈥 better late than never! These services formed part of either a Chapel or Assembly gathering on our campuses. This afforded our students the opportunity to see their teachers and new staff being welcomed into the Concordia community. Please make yourself known to these new staff members as you attend various events and activities at the College.
The Stephen Street Campus students need to be congratulated on their participation and encouragement of each other at the Inter-House Swimming Carnival held on Tuesday. It is affirming to see swimming going from strength to strength at Concordia with high participation and squad training numbers happening through the Concordia Aquatic Centre. Thank you to those parents who attended either as spectators or officials on the day. We are fortunate as a College to have the expert knowledge of Mr Troy Chandler, from TJs Swim, to assist in this area of the College鈥檚 sporting program. Thank you too to the PE Department, led by Mr Col Anderton, for the planning and preparation which has gone into running the carnival.
Thank you to the Junior College Campus Captains on being wonderful ambassadors for Concordia at the Toowoomba Mayor鈥檚 Morning Tea event this week. This event allows these students to meet leaders from some of the other primary schools in town as well as listening to guests speakers telling them about leadership qualities and giving them some advice around leadership. Thank you to Mrs Juanetta Priest from HSC, and Mr Paul Baker from WSC, for supporting the four Campus Captains at the event.
We look forward to hosting our Year 10 students and their parents on Monday evening as we begin the information sharing process with you as the students begin to consider their learning pathway into Year 11 next year. Please use this opportunity to make the necessary inquiries and ask the deep questions as together we consider the learning pathway for your student. Thank you to Ms Wendy Bowen, Director of Learning and Innovation, the Heads of Department and teachers for the planning which has gone into making this opportunity available so early in the year.
It has come to my attention that several of our Concordia 女女视频 College students have been nominated to represent the Daring Downs region across various sporting codes 鈥 congratulations and well done to all of you. Congratulations to Michael Weier in Year 12 who earlier this week was announced as the Boys鈥 Captain of the Darling Downs Swimming Team.
Thank you to those families who have already completed their MMG Survey during the past week. This survey will remain live for another week, and I would like to encourage every family to please complete a survey so that your family鈥檚 voice and thoughts about where we will be heading as a learning community in the coming years can be noted. The MMG Survey will also be completed by all the staff as well as our Years 5 to 12 students so that student voices can be heard and captured in the future direction of Concordia. Thank you for your support and time in this request.
Blessings and Peace for the weekend and week ahead.
Yours in Christ
Mr Anton Prinsloo
Head of College
Quote: Some people think they are in community, but they are only in proximity. True community requires commitment and openness. It is a willingness to extend yourself to encounter and know the other. [D. Spangler]
From the College Pastor
This week, we finally were able to hold our Swimming Carnival, which turned out to be a wonderful day for all. It was great to see so many students stepping out of their comfort zone and giving swimming a go. Unfortunately, the staff team wasn鈥檛 quite ready yet 鈥 but watch out 2023 Swimming Carnival!
All this reminded me of our sub-theme for this term, Stepping out of the Boat (based on Peter鈥檚 experience on Lake Galilee in a storm - Matt 14:22-33), underneath the overarching annual theme of Imagine the Possibilities.
Without stepping out of the boat, i.e. taking action to make the possibilities become a reality, we will never get anywhere. But it takes courage to step out of the boat, to try something new, to act on a dream 鈥 and we do want to encourage our students and community to do just that, to look to the bigger picture, use their imaginations and then act to make a dream come true.
We well know that not all dreams do come true, and perhaps some students who were hoping for accolades or medals did not get there. But they went into the water, they gave it a go, they stepped out in faith! And then there were those (younger ones) who were a full length behind the faster older swimmers in their race and still completed their 100m or 25m 鈥 not giving up. That鈥檚 part of stepping out of the boat, I believe.
The other point is that we may indeed fail sometimes, not all dreams come true, even if we take action. And that is okay. We can step out of the boat because we know that we have a God who is there already, who calls us and who is always ready to pick us up when we fall.
May you be encouraged to imagine the possibilities and have the courage to indeed step out of the boat.
May our Lord bless you this week.
Pastor Thomas B枚hmert
College Pastor
Community News
Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
JC Year 6 SMART Leadership Day - 21 March
On Monday 21 March 2022 the Koojarewon Youth Camp staff will be leading the JC Year 6 SMART Leadership Day at our Stephen Street Campus.
Event details:
- Parents are required to drop off your child at the AFL Oval, SSC at 7.30am as the program will commence with a BBQ breakfast
- Parents are invited to attend the breakfast and a jotform has been sent out for RSVPs
- Activities will conclude at 11.45am
- WSC students will be walked back to their Campus by Mr Paul Baker and HSC students will catch the bus back to their Campus with Miss Kellie Maddock
- Breakfast and Morning Tea will be provided for the students. The cost will be covered by the Year Levy.
Students are required to:
- Wear their sports uniform and College hat
- Bring a packed lunch to eat at their normal second break
Should you have any further queries regarding this event, please contact your child's teacher.
JC Year 5 Leadership Day - 24 March
On Thursday 24 March, our JC Year 5 students will be attending a Leadership Day at Koojarewon Youth Camp.
Event details:
- Program activities will be led by Koojarewon Youth Camp staff on Thursday 24 March 2022 at the Koojarewon Youth Camp.
Students are required to:
- wear their sports uniform and College hat;
- bring a small bag with morning tea and lunch, water bottle, rain jacket, insect repellent and sunscreen.
Permission required:
Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission by Friday 11 March 2022:
- Login to >
- click on Events & Payments >
- click on JC 2022 Year 5 Leadership Day >
- Accept / Decline >
- Save
Should you have any further queries regarding this event, please contact your child's teacher.
Updated Important Information - JC Year 4 Camp
We have received the following message from the Gold Coast Recreation Centre regarding COVID-19 Regulations while the students are at camp. 鈥淚f a staff member or student becomes symptomatic while at the camp, the staff member or student should be isolated away from others and arrangements should be made for the staff member or student to return home by private transport as soon as possible.鈥 If a student is unwell enough for a parent to be called to pick up their child, the student will go home regardless of the outcome of the test.
As directed by our College policies, staff members will not administer any test on the students. This will need to be carried out by the parent.
Any staff member or student who is diagnosed with COVID-19 should inform their Campus Reception. Other staff or students who have shared accommodation (for example, dormitory or tent) with the staff member or student will be considered a close contact of a positive case of COVID-19 and will need to follow Queensland Health quarantine requirements .鈥
The Year 4 Hume Street Campus and Warwick Street Campus students will be attending a three day camp from Wednesday 27 April to Friday 29 April 2022 at , Tallebudgera located at (Phone 鈥 5507 0200).
The students will participate in a variety of activities suitable for their age and ability levels. The activities are designed for fun, experiential learning, personal development and building team skills.
Drop Off and Pick Up from HSC:
We ask that parents drop their child at the Hume Street Campus (HSC) on Wednesday 27 April by 7.15am, for a 7.30am departure. The students will depart the Gold Coast Recreation Centre at 1.30pm, Friday 29 April and should arrive at HSC at approximately 4.30pm. Students can be picked up anytime after this.
Parking for both the drop off and pick up will be on the sports oval.
Permissions Required
Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission by Wednesday 23 March 2022:
- Login to >
- click on Events & Payments >
- click on JC 2022 Year 4 Camp >
- Accept >
- Save
IMPORTANT NOTE: After submitting your permission, please check and ensure your Parent Lounge portal is up-to-date regarding your child鈥檚 Emergency Contact Info, Medical Conditions and Food Allergies/Dietary Requirements.
Should you any further queries regarding this camp, please contact your child鈥檚 teacher.
JC Sport News
Congratulations to all of our swimmers from the Middle and Junior Colleges who swum at the Darling Downs Regional Swimming Trials in Gatton as part of the Toowoomba Central Zone team. It was great to see our swimmers give their best in all of their events and representing their College proudly. Thank you to our parents who supported their children on the day. It was great seeing you back at these sporting events. Swimmers selected to attend were Emily Holding, Emma Walkington, Connor Gadsby, Arabella Knopke, James Rice, Ollie Dunlop, Chloe Chettle, Eloise Chettle, Manshi Bhardwaj, Evi Purchase, Parun Benham, Anya Vermeulen, Milla Cronje and Miles Plumb.
Special mention and congratulations to Emily Holding and Milla Cronje on being selected for the Darling Downs Regional Team that will compete at the State Championships in Brisbane.
The CLC Swimming team participated in the annual Queensland Combined Independent Schools (QCIS) swimming carnival on Wednesday 9 March at the Dalby Aquatic Centre hosted by Our Lady of the Southern Cross College. This was a fantastic day of competition from all students involved. Our team won several age divisions overall and came first in the Percentage Trophy and third in the Aggregate Trophy. This was an excellent result for all swimmers. A real team effort with many tired bodies at the conclusion.
Thank you to all the people who made this carnival a success even with all of the challenges leading up to the event. Well done!
Outside School Hours Care
HSC OSHC Cooking Club

Hume Street Campus
From the HSC Director
Student leadership has been a focus for us this week. Our Campus Captains attended the Mayor鈥檚 Morning Tea where they were able to meet and talk with other student leaders around the Darling Downs. Student leaders from three schools spoke to us about what leadership meant to them and one used a quote from Billy Graham, 鈥榃hen wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost.鈥 This is a powerful statement and one that I look forward to some round the table discussions with our students.
Our Year 6 students have this week recorded some of their dreams and aspirations for their positions during 2022 and I look forward to meeting with them over the next two weeks to begin some action plans with them.
This coming week is also very focused on leadership skills with the Year 6 students and the Year 5 students both partaking in leadership days where they will learn more about teamwork and leading others. It is a joy to watch the students grow their skills in leadership by being involved in the activities provided by Koojarewon staff at both events.
We are also very keen to get started with our lunch and play swaps. We welcome any feedback that you may have regarding this.
The Uniform Guide can be found in Parent Lounge. If you have any questions about what can be worn and when, please contact Carolyn in Reception.
Please don鈥檛 forget to stop in Thursday afternoon 3.30pm-4.30pm for a sausage sizzle, chat with each other and meet the teachers. We are excited to be able to host this event.
to view HSC's Events for Term 1, Week 9 2022.
I pray you will have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week.
Mrs Juanetta Priest
Director of Campus
HSC New Play/Eating Times

Welcome Back Afternoon Sausage Sizzle - 24 March

HSC Campus Photos 鈥 Monday 28 March
HSC Campus Photos 鈥 Monday 28 March
Our Campus Photos are scheduled for Monday 28 March. Please ensure your child/ren are in the correct uniform. Students in Prep and Year 1 will wear their sports uniform. All students from Years 2 to 6 are required to wear their formal uniform.
Family Photos
To enable parents to purchase a family photo of all or some of their children who attend Concordia 女女视频 College, photos of siblings will be taken in the Hume Street Campus Hall between 8am and 8.15am on photo day. If you would like family photos done could you please collect a family photo envelope from Reception prior to photo day.
It will be the parents鈥 responsibility to get their SSC children to HSC for the family photo and then take them to SSC ready for school before 8.30am.
HSC Tuckshop Orders
At HSC, tuckshop is held on a Thursday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order.
Please note: Week 9 is the last week of Tuckshop.
Colour Explosion Fun Run
Thank you so much for continuously supporting our school, especially through fundraising. This term, we are hosting a Colour Explosion School Fun Run.
Start fundraising today.
Did you know? Students raise 3x times more when they fundraise online! Visit to create your child鈥檚 cybersafe fundraising profile. Instructions are in your child鈥檚 sponsorship booklet. You have until Friday 23 April to fundraise, so make sure you get cracking!
The big day is coming!
We are so excited to host our Colour Explosion School Fun Run on Thursday 31 March. On the day, make sure your child brings a white shirt and old shorts for the Fun Run and waterslide! They will be covered in non-toxic, high quality colour powder from head to toe! They will also need a water bottle and their hat. Sunscreen will be provided in the classrooms prior to the event.
How do prizes work? Help your child fundraise more by setting a prize goal! It鈥檚 okay if they change their mind 鈥 you order their exact prizes later. You can order your child鈥檚 prizes online at by Friday 9 April. Alternatively, complete the back page of your sponsorship booklet when you return your cash donations. Students can choose a prize based on the total amount of dollars raised, or mix and match smaller prizes.
Share in $200,000 worth of extra prize credit! Achieve bigger prizes by helping your child earn bonus credit on their online profile. By reaching fundraising milestones online, you can share in $200,000 of extra prize credit!
Become a Fundraising MonSTAR! Collect all virtual badges on your online profile page and receive your own Fundraising MonSTAR bag tag.
Class Reward Prize. Teamwork counts! If your class creates the most online profile pages each student will receive a Fundraising MonSTAR handball.
FundRazor of the Year Award. Do you think you can top the national leader board? Australia鈥檚 highest fundraising student in Australia will win a Razor Prize Pack, worth $4,900!
If you have any questions about the Colour Explosion School Fun Run please contact the office of on 1300 133 022. Thanks for supporting our school and we hope to see you at the event.
Happy fundraising!
Colour Explosion Fun Run Meal Deal

Warwick Street Campus
From the WSC Director
There was a sea of orange today as we recognised Bullying No Way Day at Warwick Street Campus. Bullying needs to be taken seriously and our students all had a session in their classrooms today to discuss this further with their teachers. It is important that children and young people know they are being heard and that their feelings matter. Our students discussed the difference between being mean and bullying, and what actions they can take in both situations. Please take the time to talk further with your children about this important issue.
Our Campus Captains and Year 6 leaders should be commended on organising a fun afternoon today as we invited all parents to spend some time with us on campus. It was wonderful to see the Warwick Street Campus spirit as parents, staff and students enjoyed some friendly volleyball competition, games and, of course, the ice block for all was welcomed also.
As the term quickly comes to an end, our teachers have been busy preparing the Student Engagement Reports for their classes. These reports are completed by each classroom teacher and provide parents with information on how their child is progressing at this early stage of the year. This report is based around the student's social and emotional capabilities and aligns with our You Can Do It program. Your child鈥檚 teacher may also request that you come in for an interview to discuss this further. The interviews at this time of the year are not for every student, but if you would like to speak with your child鈥檚 teacher, please contact them to organise a suitable time.
Today, Mrs Millett had an extra-large smile on her face 鈥 and that wasn鈥檛 just because it was Friday. Lee-Anne will be taking some well-deserved Long Service Leave for the rest of this term and for the first two weeks of Term 2. We wish Lee-Anne all the best as she enjoys some time with her family and is able to relax and recharge. In her absence, the Year 1 class will be capably led by Mrs Christa Connolly.
Finally, I am happy to report that our annual Lots of Socks Day to raise awareness for people with Down Syndrome, raised an impressive $247! Thank you to all at Warwick Street Campus who found their craziest and loudest socks on Monday to support this worthy cause.
Blessings for the week ahead.
to view WSC's Events for Term 1, Week 9.
Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campus
WSC New Play/Eating times

WSC Drama Squad
Hi, my name is Andreas Elms and I love Drama!
I am very excited, as this year I will be joining the Concordia family, teaching Speech and Drama, and coordinating the brand new drama clubs for the Junior College campuses. We have called them "Drama Squad - Hume Street" and "Drama Squad- Warwick Street".
I have been teaching drama and working with young people in the creative arts for many years and I can't wait to start working with the Concordia students through drama games, improvising, vocal activities, poems, plays, skits and building confidence along the way.
The Speech and Drama lessons will take place during the school day, where the students can work together in pairs or on their own. The Drama Squad is Wednesdays from 7.30am-8.30am at Warwick Street Campus and Fridays from 7.30am-8.30am at Hume Street Campus.
If you would like your child to join the Drama Squad and/or speech and drama lessons, please feel free to contact me.
WSC Tuckshop Orders
At WSC, Tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.
Word on the Street

Stephen Street Campus
From the Director of Campus
One of the great things about being a new member to the Concordia team, is that every event in our calendar is a first time for me. This week, it was my first experience of a SSC Inter-House Swimming Carnival.
If I was to summarise my experience of the day in one word it would be 鈥渞elaxed鈥. This doesn鈥檛 mean that our students didn鈥檛 swim at their best competitively 鈥 they did (as the results below show)! But, the overall atmosphere was one of celebration of student participation and achievement, which is particularly important given the gathering restrictions in recent times. All students, experienced swimmers or not, were encouraged to have a go, cheer on their House mates, and take the time to soak in (in more ways then one) what is best about Concordia - our social connection.
I wish to congratulate Kessler House, taking out the day鈥檚 big win and breaking the Stedman stronghold on the trophy. On an individual student level, we saw some amazing performances including some new records:
- Meg Osborne broke two records- 50m Freestyle and 50m Butterfly (this was previously held by staff member Ms Katharina Riehl 鈥 protests are still underway!).
- Victoria Richards broke our oldest Breaststroke record from 1985! As Troy mentioned, this was before any student and many of the staff were even born!
We finished the carnival in a lighter fashion with a bomb dive competition. We had some impressive efforts as you can see in the video below.
I wish to sincerely thank Mr Troy Chandler, Mr Col Anderton and Mr John Mathews for your organisation and running of the carnival. Also, thank you to the SRB for catering on the day 鈥 the snow cones were a big hit!
Welcome Mr Darryl Allen
This week we welcomed our new Sports Coordinator, Mr Darryl Allen. Darryl is already a well-known member of the CLC community with his commitment to growing the College basketball program through his coaching expertise.
Darryl has been introduced to our student body through Monday鈥檚 assembly and will be communicating with families in due course as the sports calendar progresses. If you need to contact Darryl regarding sport related matters, his email is:
Harmony Week
Next week, we will be recognising Harmony Week at the College. Harmony Week recognises the cultural and religious diversity that makes our country so rich. It is about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.
We associate the word harmony most often with music. Harmony comes about when different notes, voices or musical instruments come together to produce a pleasing sound. It is about different parts being in the right relationship with each other. What a beautiful analogy this is for what we hope for within our world today.
But as the former 女女视频 Church of Australia Bishop Rev John Henderson once put it: Bonding only with people who are related to us or who look like us and share the same beliefs and customs is not enough. As Jesus asked long ago, 鈥榃hy should God reward you if you love only the people who love you? Even the tax collectors do that! And if you speak only to your friends, have you done anything out of the ordinary? Even the pagans do that!鈥 (Matthew 5:46-47 GNB) He urges us to meet, befriend and become good neighbours to people who are different from us. He wants us to be like God, who sends his sunshine and rain to everyone.
As we look to the week ahead, may we all consider how we might reach out to and care for others more deeply, particularly those who are in the greatest need or do not feel cherished within our community.
Have a great week.
Yours in faith,
Mr Jamie Pukallus
Director of Campus
Canteen News

NAPLAN & PAT Testing
Stephen Street Campus will conduct a practice Omnibus test in preparation for the NAPLAN test which will be held in May. This practice test will be held for Year 7 and Year 9 students on Wednesday 30 March. Students will need to bring a charged laptop and earphones or earbuds when they sit the practice test.
The National Assessment Program — Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) assesses literacy and numeracy skills that students are already learning through the school curriculum
All students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are expected to sit the NAPLAN tests. More information will be sent to you about the NAPLAN tests your child will sit early in Term 2.
PAT testing
Stephen Street Campus will be conducting PAT testing for students in Years 7, 8 and 9 during Week 9 in Term 1. Students will sit a PAT Math, PAT Reading and a PAT Spelling test during one of their normal English, Math and HASS classes next week.
This year, Concordia will be using the PAT Adaptive tests. The PAT Adaptive tests are a personalised test pathway determined by student responses. These tests will provide diagnostic data to the College and provide us with a more precise picture of student achievement.
All Year 7, 8 and 9 students will need to bring a charged laptop and earphones or earbuds when they sit the tests next week.
Ms Wendy Bowen
Director of Learning and Innovation
Elevate Parent Webinars
Concordia 女女视频 College has partnered with the company Elevate Education for a number of years. Elevate delivers engaging sessions to our secondary students throughout the year. Elevate provides current research on skills and strategies for students to study more effectively and also assists them to develop long term memory retention of content.
We are pleased that again, Concordia will be working with Elevate to deliver a number of sessions for students throughout 2022. Earlier this term we were to hold an information session for parents which, unfortunately, needed to be postponed due to the COVID restrictions. This parent event will now be held in Term 2.
As part of our ongoing relationship with Elevate, they produce and conduct online presentations throughout the year on specific topics exclusively for our parents. Below is information about the next session available to you, Managing Technology and Focus. I would encourage you to register.
Ms Wendy Bowen
Director of Learning and Innovation
SSC Inter-House Swimming Carnival
Winning House:
1. Kessler
2. Stedman
3. Altus
Three records were broken at this year's event:
鈥 Girls 14yrs 50m Butterfly 29.75 - Meg Osborne (Altus)
鈥 Girls 14yrs 50m Freestyle 28.51 - Meg Osborne (Altus)
鈥 Girls U18 50m Breaststroke 36.49 - Victoria Richards (Stedman)
2022 Swimming Age Champions
Age | Girls | Boys |
12 Years | Milla Cronje | Ned Sippel & Alvin Basukala |
13 Years | Estella Nitschke | Cooper Finlayson |
14 Years | Meg Osborne | Alex Roberts |
15 Years | Lily Osborne | Alistair Richards |
16 Years | Chloe Denning | Alex Wright |
Open | Victoria Richards | Michael Weier |
Boarding News
Hello to you all out there!
What a fabulous week we have had. The Swimming Carnival was on Monday. There were loud bursts of laughter and shouts of encouragement that could be heard from the dorms. Congratulations to everyone who participated and to those who spurred their mates and friends to the finish line. We have a huge amount of swimming talent here at Concordia. I believe the drought has been broken for Kessler House who have come out as the winner on the day.
Congratulations to Selina Richards with her excellent result in the orienteering. Selina has made the DD Team. Selina鈥檚 discipline and commitment to her sports is to be commended.
Damon Zelinski is to be congratulated on his win at the recent Toowoomba Annual Trap Carnival run by the Toowoomba Clay Target Club. Damon received the 'Junior High Gun' award for the carnival.
Congratulations also to Chrissy Watson for her successful selection in the Queensland Under 18 State team. Chrissy is an up-and-coming AFL player who puts herself on the line and is doing tremendous things with her footy. It was lovely to catch up with Zimmi Farquharson, old girl from 2019 boarding. Zimmi has started off her season with the Brisbane Lions with a massive show of natural ability, talent and dedication. Chrissy and Zimmi both believe that if you want something enough, and if you put in the effort and hard work in, you will reap the rewards. These two girls will give it their all. Excellent role models and ambassadors for our College.
Our girls' Futsal team are smashing expectations. Another win this week. Well done!
Basketball is nearing an end and our boys are playing extremely well with the finals coming up soon. Watch the space. Junior boys and girls are also giving it their best shot.
On Sunday, a group of students enjoyed playing ten pin bowling. They are so competitive! Year 7 student, Max Manning and Jeremy Armstrong winning one game each. Our girls' winner was Kashar Bounghi. A pleasure to take you all out for the afternoon.
School holidays are fast approaching. Andrew and I would appreciate it if you could give us some indication as to when you intend to collect your child. Please remember that Friday 1 April is an actual school day. We encourage you all to let your sons and daughters complete the school day. Pick up can start from 3.15pm on Friday afternoon. If you intend to pick up on the Saturday, could you please let either myself or Andrew know? We are happy to have a yarn and a cuppa then bid you all farewell and happy holidays on Saturday if this suits you best.
In the early hours of Friday morning, our Year 8 students along with Mr Andrew, headed up to Picnic Point for the start to The Rite Journey with fellow peers and family members, supported by many of the Stephen Street Campus staff. Weather was not as accommodating as one would have hoped. Students enjoyed the barbecue, compliments to the Master Chefs, Mr Prinsloo and Mr Pukallus.
Year 10 students enjoyed each others' company at the Year 10 Dinner which was held at Picnic Point last Friday night. Students have raved about it and a big thank you shout out to Mr Rentell and his team of many helpers.
It is great to see how all our staff have come together this week to cover many empty spaces due to COVID. I sincerely thank you all for your extra efforts. Feeling proud to be a member of the Concordia Boarding Team.
Senior management had an early start today and popped in for breakfast with our boarders.
Time to end my blurb until next week. Enjoy the pics in the gallery below.
Take care and stay safe
Mrs Maureen Taurima
Girls' Houseparent