The Week Ahead - Term 2, Week 5
Monday 13 May - Friday 17 May 2024
From the Head of College
From the College Pastor
Community News
All welcome!
The next meeting is on May 17 – Movie night.
Please phone Ashley Genrich at 0492 932 075 for more details and to register.
CLW and Kids Winter Camps
All welcome!
CLW Darling Downs (5 days):
24-28 June 2024
Grades 7 – 12
Koojarewon Youth Camp
Mini Kids Camp (3 days):
3 – 5 July 2024
Grades 3 – 6
Koojarewon Youth Camp
Other CLKWs:
Boarder Experience Weekend
Registrations are now open for our Boarder Experience Weekend. This is a fantastic opportunity for families thinking of Boarding at Concordia. There are lots of fun activities planned, experiences to be had and opportunities to make lifelong friends. If you know of anyone who would be interested, we invite you to share this information with them. Please see the flyer below for more information, to register your interest click on the link below.
Updated Policies
College Policies
The College has a number of public policies that are available for viewing through our website. These policies and procedures include statements about Privacy, Grievance Handling, Child-Protection, Anti-Discrimination and Respectful Relationships. Click here to access these policies.
For further information about any public policies and procedures of the College please contact either the Head of College or Directors of Campus.
Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
JC Choral Eisteddfod - Sunday 19 May
The Junior College JUNIOR and SENIOR Choirs will be performing in the Toowoomba Eisteddfod at the Empire Theatre Auditorium. As performance is a part of our curriculum, it is expected that all students in Years 3 to 6 will participate. This is an incredibly valuable experience for our students and a celebration of the hard work they do in rehearsals throughout the year.
Date: 19 May
- Year 3-4 approx. 9am-11am
- Year 5-6 approx. 2pm-4pm
JC Years 3-6 Inter-House Track & Field Carnival - Friday 24 May
On Friday 24 May, the Junior College Years 3 to 6 will be competing in the annual Track and Field Carnival at SSC. Click for a copy of the program.
We will have a coffee van and hot food van available on the day accepting cash and EFTPOS. There will be a meal deal available for students at this carnival. Please click for the flyer.
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
HSC Weekly Events
Please to view HSC's Events for Term 2 2024, Week 5.
HSC Assemblies - Change of Time to 8.30am
Assemblies at Hume Street Campus are changing to 8.30am. Our next Assembly is scheduled for Week 6, Monday 20 May and parents are welcome to attend.
HSC Book fair wish lists and parent pre-payment.
If you are unable to come to the book fair, you can easily pay at home. Students are able to fill out a wish list of what they would like, then you can pay at home using the instructions on the wish list. You can also prepay for books by going to the Scholastic Book Fair website and clicking on Parent Prepayment. There is a form that you can print and fill out and we will make some hard copies available at each campus reception. Please see the flyer below for more information.
HSC Staffing Update
Last week, we farewelled Mrs Leticia Riddle for the remainder of 2024 who for family reasons needed to take leave. This week, we welcomed Mrs Naomi Taylor into HSC and the prep room. Naomi has extensive experience as a learning assistant, and we are very fortunate to have her knowledge, experience and calming personality in our prep space.
WSC Assembly - Monday 20 May
Our next Assembly is scheduled for Week 6, Monday 20 May 2024 at 2pm and parents are welcome to attend.
Warwick Street Campus
WSC Weekly Events
Please to view WSC's Events for Term 2, Week 4.
WSC Book fair wish lists and parent pre-payment.
If you are unable to come to the book fair, you can easily pay at home. Students are able to fill out a wish list of what they would like, then you can pay at home using the instructions on the wish list. You can also prepay for books by going to the Scholastic Book Fair website and clicking on Parent Prepayment. There is a form that you can print and fill out and we will make some hard copies available at each campus reception. Please see the flyer below for more information.
WSC Year 1 Cobb & Co Excursion - Thursday 16 May
This semester in History we are looking at the past and how things have changed in relation to household items, with a particular focus on toys.
On Thursday 16 May, we will be going to Cobb and Co. Museum. We are seeking assistance from any parents who would be able to come along and help us out on the excursion. Please get in touch if you would like to help on the excursion.
If you haven't already done so, please go to Parent Lounge to provide permission for your student to attend.
WSC Parent Connect Wine & Cheese Evening - Friday 17 May
WSC Disco - 70's Flower Power - Friday 17 May

WSC Aussie Hoops Program
**When registering, please select "Runnin Rebels" as the organisation.**
Stephen Street Campus
SSC Photo Day
Our School Photo Day will be held on Thursday 23 May. Please see the attached flyer for more details.
Sport News
Sports News – Term 2, Week 4
Volleyball - Round 3
Junior Girls: Loss 3-0
Intermediate Girls (Year 9): Won 3-0
Intermediate Girls (Year 10): Won 2-1
Senior Girls: Loss 2-1
Senior Boys: Loss 2-1
Basketball U15 Boys Round 2
Narrow loss 25-15 to Saints - TGS Blue
AFL Gala Day (Boys)
Congratulations to the Senior and Junior boys who competed last Thursday in the annual Streetsmart AFLQ gala day at Highfields.
Both teams had fantastic days with our Senior team going down in the Semi Final to Toowoomba Grammar and our Junior team coming away victorious in the grand finale against St Joseph’s.
Milton Reid was also awarded the MVP for the day, after a fantastic tournament. Well done Milton!
QCIS Cross Country
On Tuesday our QCIS Cross Country team compete at SCOTS in Warwick. It was a fantastic day, despite the cold weather and our runners performed very well on the day. We claimed first place in the 10 years girls, 15 years boys, 16 years boys and open boys age groups. However, it was the effort from every team member that saw all other age groups finish in the top 4, including six 2nd place finishes, and the Concordia team claim both the percentage championship and for the first time ever, the overall championship. A tremendous result for our little college who continues to punch well above its weight.
SSC Track & Field Carnival
A reminder our Track & Field carnival is fast approaching (Wednesday Week 7 – 29/05). In the lead up to the carnival we will host the following pre carnival events.
1. 1500m – Wednesday Week 6 during SPARC
2. 3000m – Monday Week 7 Lunchtime
Please note this year there will be no pre-nomination for events. Students will be able to nominate on the day, at the event using their competitor number, which will be given to them on the morning of the carnival.
Track & Field training will also commence very soon and a notice will be put out about the dates and times of this training, once it is finalised.
Special Mentions
Last weekend, our very own Harry Allsop Harry placed 2nd in his age division (15 to 17 yrs) in the Toowoomba Half Marathon. Harry’s finishing time would have also placed him second in the next age grouping (18 to 20 yrs). Overall, Harry was placed 29th out of around 400 male runners in his event. The Toowoomba course is known to be incredibly challenging due to the inclines, so this is a tremendous effort and we are very proud of Harry’s achievement. We wish him the best of luck for his upcoming title races.
Upcoming Sport Opportunities
There are numerous Darling Downs trials happening across a variety of sports. If you would like to try out for one of these or need more information, please keep an eye on the notices or send Mr Biscoe an email
QCIS and Vicki Wilson Netball carnivals – any students interested please see Mr Biscoe.
Boarding News
Greetings to all our Boarding families
You may be wondering what happened last week when there was no Boarding letter.
Well, the short of it is, we love keeping you all updated with the happenings in boarding on a weekly basis but there are times we are bordering on repeating the same message. We know you all love viewing the photo gallery and we will continue to take the photos and post them every second week. If you would like us to continue with our newsletter on a weekly basis, please feel free to let us know.
Upcoming events
National Boarding Week will commence on Monday 13th May and will run until Friday 17th May.
During the week we will be celebrating and congratulating our boarding students by sharing a special dinner with our Senior Leadership team and Heads Of Department. We are looking forward to having a special guest who is an Alumni. There will be many memories and comparisons shared. Our Girls Boarder Captain, Kerri Stiller, will speak about her time here at Concordia and acknowledge her family history with the college.
If you yourself are an Alumni and would like to share any photos of your time in boarding, please feel free to take a picture of them and either text them to me at 0490890917 or if you have lots, email I look forward to sharing photos of our event with you all next week.
We are nearly halfway through the term, and all students are keeping busy with assessments and sporting events.
That’s all for this week.
Enjoy the photos.
Mrs Maureen Taurima and Mr Andrew Bull
Boarding Houseparents