The Week Ahead - Term 2, Week 8
Monday 6 June to Friday 10 June 2022
From the Head of College
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Welcome to the start of winter which arrived a few days early across most of Queensland. Over the past fortnight I have been involved in Scholarship Interviews for 2023. Wow and have I been impressed! What has stood out for me is the incredible calibre of the applicants and the array of strengths and talents of these applicants. What has been even more affirming is that the students being interviewed are current students at Concordia as well as students from other schools and colleges who want to make Concordia their school of choice. One of the questions we ask potential new students is their reason[s] for wanting to come to Concordia and their responses have been overwhelmingly affirming of the great reputation we hold as a school in the Darling Downs region. Thank you to every parent, caregiver, student and family that recommends, advocates for and represents Concordia so well every day.
I would like to acknowledge and thank those Year 10 students who attended last Friday’s Years 3-6 Track and Field Carnival as helpers. The feedback received about how these students presented, supported both the students and teachers on the day as well as representing SSC has been overwhelmingly positive. Thank you to these students and to their parents, you are raising fine young adults! This feedback makes me feel so proud to be associated with Concordia.
Congratulations, well done and thank you to those Cross Country runners who represented Concordia at the QCIS Inter-School Carnival yesterday. Thank you to those parents and caregivers who made it out to Highfields to support the students as well as Mrs Scouller, Mr Allen and Mr Matthews for their support and encouragement of the students.
The importance of a good night’s sleep is now seen as one of the key ingredients to our daily wellbeing journey. Sleep is our primary source of recovery and we all know how we feel if we don’t get enough sleep. Tired, lethargic and unmotivated. If we have repeated nights of insufficient rest, fatigue will build and build until we become sick and unable to engage in regular day-to-day activities. Nights where we have a bad sleep are inevitable. It is normal for our sleep to suffer when we are stressed at work, home, have a newborn or for many other reasons. It’s important to develop good physical awareness and body honesty to help us notice how we are waking up every day. Pay attention to your body and if you need to rest, do so.
Sleeping well means getting enough sleep. How much sleep is enough varies among people. The number of hours you sleep is not as important as how you feel when you wake up. If you do not feel refreshed, you probably need more sleep. Poor sleep can affect emotional and social interaction and increase the risk of developing disease and depression. So, here are some top tips for a good night’s sleep: [Acknowledgement; the Fathering Project]
- Sleep is our best source of recovery. Sufficient sleep boosts our immunity, muscular recovery and cognitive function.
- Be aware of your own body – listen to your body. Notice how much rest and recovery you are getting Pat attention to your body and its signs. Neglect can lead to injury. Ensure that you are getting a minimum of six hours of sleep a night.
- Be consistent and maintain a routine and rhythm. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Set a good example and get the kids in the routine too.
- Ensure you spend time in natural light. This helps to promote melatonin production in the body which tells you when to sleep and when to wake up.
- Reduce blue light exposure in the evening. Blue light from electronic devices tricks your brain into thinking it’s still daytime which impacts your sleep. Remember the strategy of all devices, including those of parents, out of bedrooms at night.
- Find time to relax and clear your mind before sleep. For example, read a book, listen to relaxing music, deep breathing and meditation.
Good luck to our Year 10 students and their families as you prepare for and approach your exam block over the next fortnight.
Wishing everyone a safe and warm weekend.
Yours in Christ
Mr Anton Prinsloo
Head of College
Quote of the Week: Good health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account. [A. Schaef]
From the College Pastor
Birthday Celebration

This Sunday many churches around the world will observe the feast of Pentecost (which means 50 days since it occurs 50 days after Easter or the Jewish Passover). It celebrates the birthday of the Church with the pouring out of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Jesus, who at that point became apostles, sent out people who would share the message of God’s love and forgiveness poured out for all through the death and resurrection of Christ. You can read all about it in Acts, chapter 2.
At that time nearly 2000 years ago, Jewish people and God fearers from across the Roman empire, with different cultural and linguistic backgrounds had gathered in Jerusalem to observe the feast of Pentecost, one of the key Jewish festivals, giving thanks for the wheat harvest (and hence food for the next year) and thanking God for the Sinai covenant with his people (10 Commandments). All these people heard the Good News proclaimed and many became followers of Christ and took the message with them to the ends of the Roman empire and beyond. It was the beginning of the Church, and a bringing together of many people divided by race, language and culture.
At our chapels we remembered this and reflected on how God is still at work bringing people together and bringing healing and reconciliation to our world and we marvelled at the many cultures and languages represented in our community. This was reflected in hearing the Lord’s Prayer spoken in about 13 different languages (I have included it below, see which languages you might recognise).
It was quite fitting to have reconciliation week at the same time, bringing together indigenous and non-indigenous Australians to work for a positive future of all citizens of this great country.
Our faith captains, Chelsea and Lauren also came with me to visit the Junior College campuses and assist with chapels there as we unpacked the theme of Pentecost and gave thanks to God for the gift of the Holy Spirit, who still guides us today, brings people to Christ and unites diverse people in love.
The Lord’s Prayer
Kaarta nunakarra, Alkirala namanga ?? ????? ?????????? ????;
Sambahin ang ngalan Mo Santificado seja o Teu Nome;
Да приидет Царствие Твое;
Dein Wille geschehe, wie im Himmel so auf Erden
Apage davaspata bhojanaya apata ada duna manava.
utusamehe makosa yetu,
Tara hanmiharu lai dushta dekhi banchaunnu hawas.
Nou hoki te rangatira-tanga, te kaha, me te kororia,
Want aan U behoort die koninkryk en die krag en die heerlikheid,
Thinmayil Ninnum Njangale Rakshikkaname.
Have a blessed Pentecost!
Pastor Thomas B?hmert
College Pastor
Community News
For Sale
The College is selling the following vehicle:
2012 Volkswagen Passat
- Model: Passat CC 125TDI
- 6 Speed DSG
- $14,999.00 inclusive GST
The vehicle will be detailed and have a roadworthy certificate before hand over.
Please contact Tyrone Lanagan, Operations Manager, if interested on 07 4688 2700 or via email.
Parent Connect Thank You
The SSC Parent Connect held our Faulty Towers - The Dining Experience last Friday night.
On behalf of the SSC Parent Connect, I would like to thank the following people who helped the night be a success: Tyrone and the kitchen staff, thank you for a lovely meal and setting up the tables. Thank you to Bianca for all your help with the Marketing and App reminders. Thank you to Michelle Price for The Finch vouchers for the actors. Thank you to Mrs Eagleson and Mrs Merretz for the mirrors. Also, a big thank you to Sarah, Bridie and Shilo for their amazing waitressing skills.
Mrs Lisa Lambert, Mrs Yvonne Hallaran and Mrs Dorothy Christensen
SSC Parent Connect
Concordia 女女视频 College Future Foundation
With the end of the 2021/22 financial year almost upon us, it is timely to share the various tax deductible options for families who wish to support the Concordia 女女视频 College Future Foundation.
The Future Foundation was established to support the education of young people through the provision scholarships and also maintaining and improving its facilities through the Building Fund to create a dynamic and engaging environment for our students.
All donations to the Future Foundation are tax-deductible. The following opportunities exist to donate:
SSC Lecture Theatre Upgrade
There are just four seats remaining before the Lecture Theatre upgrade has been sold out. The upgrade is in its final phase as we eagerly await the arrival of the chairs for the facility.
If you wish to secure one of the final chairs in the Lecture Theatre, please contact Concordia's Director of Marketing and Enrolments, Mrs Bianca Coleborn, by emailing
Scholarships Fund or Building Fund
Families are invited to consider donating to the Scholarships Fund or Building Fund under the Future Foundation. Your gift to the Scholarship Fund will create new learning opportunities for students who, without financial support, would not be able to access a Concordia 女女视频 College education. Donations to the Building Fund will enable the College to create learning environments conducive to a 2lst Century education.
You can make a one-off donation or commit to making regular donations to the Scholarships Fund or Building Fund.
Please click on the below link to access the giving page or contact the Business Office on 4688 2700 (press 1 for Stephen Street Campus) to set up a payment by telephone for the Scholarship Fund or Building Fund.
Thank you for your consideration of the above options. If you would like to discuss making an alternative donation to the Future Foundation, please contact Concordia's Business Manager, Mr Lindsay Bovill, by emailing
Mr Anton Prinsloo
Head of College
HSC Parent Connect Homestyle Bake Fundraiser
The HSC Parent Connect are running a Homestyle Bake Fundraiser. For more information please .

Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
From the Director of Campuses
After reading Mrs Weier’s “Day in the life of a Director” in The Week Ahead, it made me stop and think about how busy we all are across the Junior College, particularly in Term 2. This week our students have participated in Chess Competitions, Cycle Safety, Royal Bulls Head Inn excursion, Inter-House Ball Games, and tonight, our WSC students finish off the week with a Disco. Among all these exciting events, our students have also been finalising their learning for the term. Schools are a busy place!
Over the last couple of months, the staff at Concordia have been focusing on how they can look after their wellbeing and finding strategies to do so. It is also important for our students’ wellbeing to be a priority, as we head into the last weeks of the term. Lots of sleep, healthy food, and some time outside time in the fresh air are the best strategies for our students to maintain the positive energy they will need for their learning.
Special Assemblies
Each campus will be holding a special Assembly on Monday next week to announce our Age Champions from the recent track and field carnival. We look forward to these announcements and congratulating these students.
Queensland Day
On Monday, our students will celebrate Queensland Day with our annual Tug of War events. Please check the events page for each campus for times, as parents are most welcome to attend.
Lost Property
As the brisk winter weather is set to continue into next week and beyond, please make sure all uniform items are named. We have a large amount of lost property building up with many of those items being jackets and track pants. If you are missing any uniform items, please check the lost property on your campus.
IPSHA Chess Competition
Hume Street Campus hosted the annual IPSHA Chess competition on Wednesday afternoon. Competitors from five independent schools in Toowoomba were involved and there was some very healthy competition.
Toowoomba Grammar School came out on top again this year, and our two Concordia teams tied for fourth place. Well done to all students who participated.
Blessings for the week ahead
to view WSC's Events for Term 2, Week 8.
to view HSC's Events for Term 2, Week 8.
Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campuses
JC Sports News
Congratulations to our Junior College Track and Field Age Champions.
Girls Age Group | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
8 Years Age Champion | Emma Hilkemeijer | Ava Manteufel | Lilly-May Budnick |
9 Years Age Champion | Grace Pitman | Tori Duffy | Rylee Bennett |
10 Years Age Champion | Emily Evans | Makenzie Morris | Annabelle Scouller |
11 Years Age Champion | Emma Walkington | Arabella Knopke | Atoor Jok |
12 Years Age Champion | Anya Vermeulen | Adelaide Siddans | Chloe Chettle |
Boys Age Group | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
8 Years Age Champion | Jordan Seddon | Mathew Windolf | Ben Lubbock |
9 Years Age Champion | Ryan Halton | Jake Stewart | Thomas Cameron |
10 Years Age Champion | William Spoelder | Thomas Wise | Isaac Seddon |
11 Years Age Champion | Charlie Lowis | Evi Purchase | Marcus Dealtry |
12 Years Age Champion | James Rice | Chase Robertson | Lachlan Rashleigh |
Mr Darrly Fry
Teacher / Junior College Sports Coordinator / Head Coach, Touch
JC Year 6 Cairns Trip - Parent Information Session
The Junior College Year 6 teachers will be holding an information session to answer any questions you may have about the Year 6 Cairns Trip. All parents and Year 6 students are most welcome and are encouraged to attend.
This Parent Information session will be held Tuesday 2 August (Week 4, Term 3) at 5.30pm-6.30pm in the Year 6 classroom, Warwick Street Campus.
to register your attendance.
IPSHA Chess Competition
Hume Street Campus hosted the annual IPSHA Chess Competition on Wednesday afternoon. Competitors from five independent schools in Toowoomba were involved and there was some very healthy competition.
Toowoomba Grammar School came out on top again this year, and our two Concordia teams tied for fourth place. Well done to all students who participated.
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
HSC Student Inter-House Soccer Competition
Calling all Parents available on Tuesday 14 June at 10.45am to participate in the Students versus Staff/Parents soccer game. If you are able to play please contact Carolyn Lynch via email or phone 07 4688 2700 (opt 2) to put your name down.
The student team will be from the winning House.
HSC Disco - 10 June

HSC Wine and Cheese Night - 10 June
HSC Tuckshop Orders
At HSC, Tuckshop is held on a Thursday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.
HSC Drama Squad
Hi, my name is Andreas Elms and I love Drama!
I am very excited, I have been teaching the Concordia family, Speech and Drama, and coordinating the brand new drama clubs for the Junior College campuses. We have called them "Drama Squad - Hume Street Campus".
I have been teaching drama and working with young people in the creative arts for many years. The drama squad has been learning through drama games, improvising, vocal activities, poems, plays, skits and building confidence along the way.
The Speech and Drama lessons take place during the school day, where the students can work together in pairs or on their own. The Drama Squad is on Fridays from 7.30am to 8.30am at Hume Street Campus.
If you would like your child to join the Drama Squad and or speech and drama lessons, please feel free to contact me.
Warwick Street Campus
WSC Tuckshop Orders
At WSC, Tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.
Stephen Street Campus
From the Director of Campus
Thankfully our Faulty Towers actors were fairly kind to me during the Parent Connect event last Friday night. Basil, Manuel and Sybil were up to their usual tricks and shenanigans, which kept all our diners on their toes during the evening. It was wonderful to see our community come out in support of the event and enjoy some much needed fun and laughter. Our kitchen staff did a great job with the meals (even if our Faulty Towers hosts were a little abrupt or mischievous). Thanks again to our Parent Connect group for organising this event.
Welcome Garth Calder
This week we welcomed our newest staff member - student counsellor, Mr Garth Calder. Garth has worked as a counsellor in numerous settings, most recently at Family Mercy Services. He was introduced to students during our Chapel on Wednesday, where he took the chance to engage students with a “two truths and a lie” about his life experiences. From the few short days I have been working with Garth, I can see his great passion for young people and ensuring they have access to the best quality care and support. If you would like to contact Garth, please email him at
Wellbeing – the dinner plate exercise
On Thursday evening our College hosted an event called “Dinner on the Downs”, which is an initiative for school leaders who are members of the Australian Council for Educational Leaders (ACEL). To open proceedings, Concordia student Kashar Bounghi performed the Acknowledgement of Country, before I officially welcomed our guests to Concordia. The theme of the evening was staff wellbeing, so I took the opportunity to share a reflection exercise that anyone can do to reflect on their own wellbeing. I want to share this now, as anyone can complete the valuable exercise:
We start with a simple table setting, as shown below. Each part of the table setting represents a different factor that relates to our wellbeing. Participants are asked to write down notes next to each element. Let me explain.

The dinner plate: Write down all of the things that are “on your plate” right now. These are all of the things taking up emotional, mental and physical energy.
The knife: These are the things that could be “cut” from your life that are absorbing your time, but are not of great importance, e.g. social media activity.
The spoon: This represents the people you are “feeding” - who depend on you intensely. This may not just be family, it might be employees that you need to support. The goal of this element is to think if there are ways you can better support them or perhaps move towards greater independence.
The water glass: Does your glass need filling? What fills you up? Think about what you need more of right now – is it time with family, prayer, exercise, better nutrition? Consider how you can revitalize yourself.
The dinner fork: What are some things you want to “take a stab” at? Is there something new you want to try – perhaps learn and instrument or a different language? Maybe it’s doing some volunteer work. We need to sharpen our saw regularly, so trying something new might be a way to get back in the groove.
The napkin: What are your supports when things get “messy”? Who do you rely on for reassurance, comfort and aid in times of need? We all need to reach out from time-to-time, so being aware of who we can turn to is so important.
Apart from completing this yourself, it is interesting to do this task in a group or with your family. You might be surprised by what is happening for others, and just how much we rely on each other during difficult times.
Year 11 Boat Cruise
Next Friday 10 June our Year 11 students will finally get the opportunity to have their boat cruise and dinner on the Brisbane River. This event, like many others, has been postponed several times due to COVID and flooding. These events are extremely important milestones for students as they progress through their years of schooling; celebrating their hard work and coming together in a tranquil and fun setting as a cohort. Thank you to Mrs Leah Bowes for her organisation of this event.
Have a great week.
Yours in faith,
Mr Jamie Pukallus
Director of Campus
Salem Nursing Home Visit
On Tuesday 31 May, Year 10 students who study the Certificate III in Hospitality volunteered their time to work at the Salem Aged Care Refurbishment Blessing ceremony.
The students greeted guests, manned the tea and coffee station, assisted in the kitchen plating up canapès and served food to the dignitaries and special guests who attended the event. This was the first time that the students were able to work in industry and put the skills they have been learning in their certificate to use. The students enjoyed working with the catering staff and seeing how a real kitchen runs during service. They also connected with some of the residents of Salem Aged Care, most of whom had attended Concordia 女女视频 College themselves or have ties to the College. In addition to creating connections with the community, the hours that they worked will count towards the practical component of their certificate. Thank you to Caitlin Bailey, Milly Gormley, Abby Holding, Amelia Miles, Zara Schurmann and Zoe Schurmann who braved the blustery Toowoomba winds to come with me.
At the same event, two of our talented Year 10 music students, Sarah Peake and Januki Ranchagoda, participated in the Blessing Ceremony, accompanied by Mr Neil Roche-Kelly, Music Teacher and Choir Director. Sarah and Mr Roche-Kelly sang two hymns, Beauty of the Earth and Tell Out My Soul, accompanied by Januki on piano and the guests at the ceremony. Congratulations, Sarah and Januki for sharing your amazing musical talents with everyone and thank you to Mr Roche-Kelly for rehearsing with the girls and transport on the day.
Salem Aged Care was very appreciative of all of our students enthusiasm and hope that we will find a way work together again in the future.
Mrs Jo Tessmer
Future Pathways Coordinator/Teacher Aide The Arts
Sport News
Darling Downs Schools Cross Country Championships
Congratulations to Chloe Denning on coming in first place in the Girls 16 years 4000m.
The following students were selected for the Regional teams for finishing in the top six in their event. Well done!
Charlie Pietsch – Boys 16 years 6000m
Zoe Pietsch – Girls 13 Years 3000m
QCIS Cross Country results
Congratulations to the following students who competed at the QCIS Cross Country this week:
Charlie Pietsch – 1st Boys 16 years 6000m
Chloe Denning – 1st Girls 16 years 4000m
Kayla Watson – 1st Girls 15 years 4000m
Zoe Pietsch – 1st Girls 13 years 3000m
Victoria Richards – 2nd Girls 17-20 years 4000m
Annabelle Scouller – 2nd Girls 10 years 2000m
Thomas Wise – 2nd Boys 10 years 2000m
Ellie Denning – 2nd Girls 14 years 4000m
Mr Darryl Allen
SSC Sports Coordinator
Boarding Update
Hello to all our families! I hope you are all well and looking forward to your children returning home in the coming weeks.
Travel has been booked for those travelling on planes and buses. Travel day is Saturday 18 June, however, if your child has packed up their belongings and completed the high clean, they can leave after school on the Friday. Please remember to take all bedding home to get laundered. Blazers and school uniforms can remain and will be laundered as per normal.
During the holidays the dorms will be hired out and students will need to take home what they can. In the case of those who are international students and from the far North, we will allocate a lockable area to store their belongings.
The upcoming days and weeks will be full on for all of our boarders with movies, NRL footy game in Brisbane, a disco, fire pit and yarning, weekend sports, shopping at Grand Central and, most importantly, completing all assessments.
Breakfast at St Saviour's College to celebrate National Reconciliation Week with the message of “Be Brave Make a Change” was inspiring and a huge success with our students. Being able to connect with family was very uplifting.
Please remind and encourage your child to utilise the expertise at the after school sessions in the Library on Mondays and Wednesdays. Our teachers are situated in the Library on these days and welcome students to gain extra support and assistance.
Keeping our students engaged and focused is what we as boarding staff strive to do every study. We no longer have a compulsory study session on a Sunday afternoon however we do encourage all students to use their time wisely and to do a little extra if they can.
During the holidays please visit the Concordia website and re read the Uniform Guide. We are noticing that students are wearing extra earrings in their ears and nose piercings.
Chewing gum is not permitted in the school grounds and this includes the Boarding Houses.
That’s all for this week. Hope you all enjoy the photos of our trivia night, emu parade where our students do a community service by way of collecting all the fly in rubbish around the school. Great to see our students taking pride in our grounds.
Till next week and take care,
Mrs Maureen Taurima
Giabal House Parent