The Week Ahead - Term 3, Week 4
Monday 1 August to Friday 5 August 2022
From the Head of College
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Over the past fortnight I have dedicated a fair amount of time, as well as having the privilege, to visit the learning spaces across all three campuses. Firstly, we have incredible students at Concordia as they present for learning settled with minimal fuss and a willingness to learn, ask questions, collaborate and engage in meaningful conversations about what their learning is all about. I am further impressed by the wonderful respect which they bring to their interaction with the adults coaching, facilitating and guiding their learning. Secondly, the consistent commitment, professionalism and mutual respect which both the teaching and non-teaching staff bring to their jobs every day is of the best which I have encountered during my 30 plus years in education. Thirdly, throw in a parent community which is supportive, engaging and loyal and we have a recipe which sees Concordia thriving and going from strength to strength every day. Collectively, we mightn鈥檛 get it right every day, but what a formidable team we have become. Thank you!
This coming weekend, Concordia will be welcoming our first international study group since 2019. The group of 33 students and two group leaders from various schools in Tokyo, Japan, will spend part of next week learning more about school life and how we go about learning in Australia. These students will be staying in boarding to allow them the wonderful opportunity to experience school as a both a boarding and day student. Thank you to Mrs Bianca Coleborn, our Director of Marketing and Enrolments, and the team who has supported her to make this reciprocal cultural experience possible.
The coming week [yes, it鈥檚 Week 4 already!] will bring with it a very busy schedule for your student[s] and your household. On Monday, Elevate will be presenting a Study Session for Years 11 and 12 students followed by a parent session. We will also have our College Athletics Team at the QCIS Carnival next week, a Leadership Forum for our Year 6 students, the Year 8 students away on camp and several of our instrumental music students performing at the local Eisteddfod. Next Tuesday will also see Concordia hosting an Open Morning with Prepping for Prep 2023 visits happening at our Junior College campuses. Thank you to the various staff involved in this busy schedule for the time put into planning, hosting, supporting or preparing for any of the above-mentioned events.
This week I鈥檇 like to share with you a wonderful article written by Braden Bell regarding Worrying about the Kids. Both Sylvia [my wife] and I have grappled with many of these feelings and frustrations as we raised our two children and for some reason when you are in it you don鈥檛 see the bigger picture and the positive outcomes. If only there was a manual on how to raise our children! The following comments from the closing paragraphs of this quick-read article are what have resonated with me, 鈥淢ost children grow up and leave home to pursue productive and happy lives. They will have their serious and minor ups and downs. Happily, parents don鈥檛 have to have all the answers, because all the experiences they have allow our kids to figure things out for themselves as they go. Life presents each child with an intensive, personalised, highly effective curriculum. Be grateful for all they are learning.鈥 So, learn as you go and don鈥檛 compare!
Wishing everyone a safe and restful weekend.
Yours in Christ
Mr Anton Prinsloo
Head of College
Quote of the Week: The sign of great parenting is not the child鈥檚 behaviour. The sign of truly great parenting is the parent鈥檚 behaviour.鈥 [A. Smithson]
From the College Pastor
Census 2021
You may have noticed the recent release of a swathe of census data, which prompted headlines like this: Census 2021 data shows Australians are less religious and more culturally diverse than ever and moved some commentators to predict the imminent demise of religion in Australia. So, when the opportunity came up to attend a webinar offered by the Christian Research Association promising insight into and analysis of trends evident through the latest census release, I jumped at the opportunity.
And, as usual, the reality was not quite as bleak as the headlines made it appear.
Like all statistics, the figures need to be treated with caution. 43.9% of all Australian identified as Christian in the latest census, that is some 11.1 million people, down from an all-time high of 13.2 million in 2011 (which represented 61.1% of the population at that time). There is certainly growth in a variety of other religions in Australia (now making up about 10% of the population) as our country becomes ever more diverse. The largest growth was in the 鈥渘o religion鈥 category, now at 38.9%. However, the researchers pointed out that this does not mean that people do not believe but rather that they may not have a connection to 鈥渙rganised religion鈥. Only 0.29% of the population identify as atheist. In other surveys I have seen, a category described as 鈥渟piritual but not religious鈥 presented a significant part of the population. It appears that while some aspects of organised religions have lost their attraction, Jesus and a God who is Love remains attractive. Another interesting fact was that of all religions, Christianity benefitted the most from migration. This partly responsible for the rapid growth of Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Churches, even as most mainline denominations decline.
I suppose there is a message in all that for those of us who profess the Christian faith: How do we live out our faith and what difference does it make in our lives and relationships?
When I read the story of the early church, which grew in spite of severe persecution at times, it is very clear that the lives of these early Christ-followers (鈥渟ee how they love one another鈥 writes an observer at the time) attracted those around them.
How does the love of Christ become visible and experienceable in our community here at Concordia? I guess we all have a role to play in that.
And finally, we can trust in Jesus鈥 promise to Peter after he confessed Jesus as Messiah, the Saviour: 鈥淛esus replied, 'Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.'" (Matthew 16:17-18).
May our Lord bless you and give you hope!
Pastor Thomas B枚hmert
College Pastor
Community News
Arts in Focus - Grab your seats NOW!

This new event is a showcase of The Arts highest achieving curriculum performances from the year to date as well as a showcase of the various Dance, Instrumental and Vocal Ensembles we have across the College campuses. It is our way of celebrating and congratulating the great work that students are doing every term in the classroom and activities in The Arts and allowing the College community to enjoy the work of these talented performers. Artworks from across all three campuses will be on display in the Church Theatre for family and friends to enjoy.
Arts in Focus performances are a free, general admission, non-allocated seating event. Please be aware that due to the seating capacity of the Armitage Centre, there are a limited number of tickets available for each session.
2.30pm to 5pm
Junior College performances and SSC Bands and Choirs, Armitage Centre
4.30pm to 6pm
Food, coffee and drinks available for purchase outside next to the Church Theatre and the Armitage Centre Bar
Art on Legs - 5pm to 5.45pm
SSC Drama Club, next to the Church Theatre
6pm to 8pm
SSC Curriculum performances and Dance Teams, Armitage Centre
12pm to 6pm
Concordia 女女视频 College Art Exhibition
Artworks from Junior, Middle and Senior College, Church Theatre
Use the button below to book your tickets! Bookings close 5pm Friday 12 August. Please contact your Campus Reception if you have any questions.
Strategic Plan Review Day
The Concordia 女女视频 College community is warmly invited to attend a special workshop to review the current Strategic Plan and discuss the redevelopment of the plan towards 2026.
The workshop will take place in the Concordia Function Centre at Stephen Street Campus from 8.30am to 12.30pm on Saturday 20 August 2022. Morning tea will be provided to all participants.
We encourage all members of our community who are interested in developing the strategic intent of the College to attend this workshop and participate in the discussions around our vision, direction and objectives. The current strategic plan is available by clicking .
Members of the College Leadership team will be on hand to lead sessions and participate in discussions.
If you would like to be a part of this important day, .
LYQ Summer Holiday Camps

This cold snap is making everyone wish for warm sand and sunshine, and we have some great camps and events coming up these Summer Holidays that we鈥檇 love you to promote!
Summer Holiday Camps (Years 3 to 11 in 2022)
11鈥16 December, 2022 | Blast Summer Camps:
Junior (Years 3-6 in 2022) and Senior (Years 7-11 in 2022) Blast camps provide campers with the ultimate 6-day adventure! High adventure activities, outings, electives and games get kids out of their comfort zone, trying new things, and spending time in the great outdoors. As an evangelism camp, we explore the Christian faith through connect time and guest speakers.
9鈥13 January, 2023 | Summer Kids Camp & (NEW) Summer Christian Life Week (CLW)
Kids Camps (Years 3-6 in 2022) and Christian Life Week (Years 7-11 in 2022) Camps are discipleship camps with a strong focus on worship, small group time and growing in faith. The five-day camp has a culture of friendship, connection, engaging conversations, and plenty of beach and adventure activities and games to put a smile on camper鈥檚 faces and get their hearts pumping.
Commonwealth School Data Collection Notice
Commonwealth Census is this coming Friday 5 August. The Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment (the department) would like to advise all parents and guardians that it collects certain information about your child鈥檚 school, its staff, and student body during this Census. To learn more about the Census and your privacy, .
Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
JC Band Christmas in July Tour
The JC Band was lucky enough to go on its very own Christmas in July Bus Tour today, in preparation for their debut performance at the Toowoomba Eisteddfod 2022. How lucky are we?!?!
The students got right into the festive spirit dressing up for the occasion and a special mention to those who packed extras for the people who may not have had some. What a beautiful culture to see!
The JC Band performed very well at both locations and I have no doubt they will do the same on the Empire Theatre Stage next Monday, 1 August. It was clear that the audience enjoyed themselves as they clapped along and when asked who wanted to join the band afterwards, there were more hands in the air opting in than not!
It is so wonderful to be working in a school that ensures the students are getting these real-life experiences of what it feels like to pack a bus, setup and perform and do this multiple times. They needed to listen to many different instructions on how each part of the tour would work and be responsible for their own equipment and music while also helping the rest of the band as a team; this is what performing is all about and they will be well trained for any longer high school tours in the future. If we don鈥檛 see you at the eisteddfod, our next performance will be 13 August at the Arts in Focus event.
A special thanks to our Band Manager, Mrs Jackie Minnikin, Mrs Carolyn Lynch and Mrs Marteen Paynter for their assistance and support in organisation including communications and booking the transport and, of course, our bus driver Harry.
Ms Christina Marangelli
Coordinator of Music Performance
JC Music News
A reminder to check SeeSaw for the update on what students did in their lessons each week and the practice goals set. This enables the students who are away to catch up or work to meet the goals of the other students without falling behind. It also enables you to check-in and ask, 鈥渉ey, could you play me that song?鈥 and leaves the students wondering how you know all the amazing information of what is going on in their music classes!
Remember, if you have any questions or need extra support, please contact
From the Director of Campuses
Students at the Junior College are blessed with many talents. We have some incredible sportspeople in our midst, as well as talented musicians and artists. Over the next few weeks, our students will be able to showcase these talents as they participate in the many events that are happening, such as QCIS and Central Zone Athletics, Eisteddfod and our Arts in Focus weekend.
On Monday our JC Band performed for the students at both Junior College campuses for their Christmas in July Tour. Under the expert tutelage of Ms Christina Marangelli, our band performed two of the pieces they will be showcasing at next week鈥檚 Eisteddfod. We wish the band members all the best for next week and look forward to hearing about their performance.
There has been a significant amount of information that has been sent to parents this week about all our upcoming events. Please take the time to read this information carefully. If you have any questions or concerns, don鈥檛 hesitate to contact your Campus Reception for any clarification that you may need.
As we head into Week 4 next week, we welcome Mrs Juanetta Priest back to Hume Street Campus after her Long Service Leave. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Hume Street Campus students, staff, and community for being so welcoming as I have taken on the role as Director of both Junior Campuses. Thank you also to the Warwick Street Campus community for their flexibility during this time.
I would also like to thank Mrs Rowena Weier for her work in the role of Acting Assistant Director. As you would be aware from the 鈥淒ay in the Life of a Director鈥 articles that she wrote for The Week Ahead, Mrs Weier hit the ground running as she took on this role and hasn鈥檛 stopped since. On behalf of students, staff and the community of the entire Junior College, we would like to thank you, Rowie, for the tremendous job you have done over the past nine weeks. Mrs Weier will continue in her acting position until the end of next week and will be back with her Prep class at WSC in Week 5.
Blessings for the week ahead.
to view WSC's Events for Term 3, Week 4.
to view HSC's Events for Term 3, Week 4.
Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campuses
JC Year 6 Cairns Trip - New Venue for Parent Information Session
The Junior College Year 6 teachers will be holding an information session to answer any questions you may have about the Year 6 Cairns Trip. All parents and Year 6 students are most welcome and are encouraged to attend.
This Parent Information Session will be held Tuesday 2 August (Week 4, Term 3) at 5.30pm-6.30pm.
Please note the venue for this meeting has now changed to the Lecture Theatre at Stephen Street Campus.
to register your attendance.
JC Year 1 Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary Excursion - 12 August
On Friday 12 August, the JC Year 1 students will be attending an excursion to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary (LPKS).
- Students are required to be dropped at the Hume Street Campus by 7.15am for a 7.30am departure.
- Students will return to their campus for a normal school pick up.
Parent Permission
Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission by Friday 5 August.
* Login to Parent Lounge >
* Click on Events and Payments >
* Click on - JC 2022 Year 1 Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary Excursion >
* Accept >
* Save
Important Note: Please check and ensure your child's medical and emergency contact details are up to date.
If you have any questions regarding this excursion, please contact your child's teacher.
JC Year 3 Koojarewon Camp
On Thursday 18 August 2022, our JC Year 3 students will be attending their first camp at the Koojarewon Youth Camp. Please find attached a Parent Information letter including the and .
- All students are to be dropped at Hume Street Campus by 8.30am. Children will be supervised by a teacher from 8am.
- Students will depart Koojarewon Youth Camp at 1.30pm and returning to Hume Street Campus for pick up by parents from approx.2.15pm.
- Parking for both drop off and pick up is on the sports oval.
Permissions Required
Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission for the Camp:
鈥 Login to Parent Lounge >
鈥 click on Events & Payments >
鈥 click on Event > JC Year 3 Koojarewon Camp
鈥 Accept >
鈥 Save
After submitting your permission, please check and ensure your Parent Lounge portal is up-to-date regarding your child鈥檚 Emergency Contact Info, Medical Conditions and Food Allergies/Dietary Requirements.
Should you any further queries regarding this camp, please contact your child鈥檚 teacher.
JC Year 3 Local Historians Incursion at HSC
On Friday 5 August, the Year 3 students from both Junior College campuses will be joining together for some learning and getting to know you time. Linking to our HASS unit, the students will get to meet and hear some valuable history about Concordia 女女视频 College from our very own living historians! Given that our first camp is also approaching, this activity day will also provide a great opportunity to Year 3 students to make some connections with students from both campuses, and explore Hume Street Campus.
Our living historian guests will be:
- Mrs Lynette Stedman 鈥 former student of Concordia Memorial College 1940s 鈥 1950s
- Mrs Dulcie Clifton - former student of Concordia Memorial College 1940s 鈥 1950s
- Mrs Julie Gould 鈥 former student and director of WSC
- Mrs Sharon Burger 鈥 original teacher from Martin Luther Primary School
Students will be involved in the following activities:
- HSC Chapel at 10.15am
- Morning tea and lunch breaks together at HSC
- Living Historian Talk
- Activity time in the Forest Area and HSC Year 3 classroom
WSC students will travel to and from HSC on the College bus. Pick up is approximately 10am and WSC students will return for normal pick up time.
Students will be required to wear their Sports Uniform and bring their lunch and water bottle.
We look forward to this event and for our upcoming camp at Koojarewon.
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
HSC Tuckshop Orders
At HSC, Tuckshop is held on a Thursday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.
Warwick Street Campus
WSC Tuckshop Orders
At WSC, Tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.
Stephen Street Campus
From the Director of Campus
One of the great pleasures of my job is meeting new families and taking them on tours of Stephen Street Campus. Not only is this a great opportunity to talk with the family and hear their story, it is also a great reminder of everything we should be thankful for within our college. Despite being totally different families, it is amazing how often I hear the same descriptions of visiting Concordia. Words like 鈥渟erenity鈥, "friendly鈥 and 鈥渁mazing鈥 are commonly used by the families at the end of the tour. On Thursday, one of our 2023 enrolments said that it felt 鈥渉omely鈥. What a great testimony to the calibre of students and staff we have at our beautiful College!
Student Futures Expo
I would like to thanks Mrs Leah Bowes and Mrs Jo-Ann Tessmer for their organisation of the student futures expo, held in the Function Centre on Thursday. It was a fantastic opportunity to meet and ask questions of staff from various universities and training providers, as well as Emergency Services and Defence Recruitment. I often remind our students that they are so blessed to live in a time where such a vast array of opporunites exist for their future pathways. I trust this was a valuable experience for students and their families in continuing to investigate possibilities beyond life at school.
Year 7 2023 Connect Session 1
On Wednesday afternoon we held our first connect session for Year 7, 2023 students and their parents or carers. I was very proud of our current secondary students who acted as buddies for the afternoon and helped ease the nerves of our future cohort. Students participated in some games and 鈥榞etting to know you鈥 activities designed to create new friendships and connections. At the same time, the adults present were provided with information about our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) laptop program, along with further insight into effective use of Parent Lounge and communication procedures within the college. Our next session will be held on Wednesday 31 August from 4-5pm. This week鈥檚 session was recorded and can be accessed below:
Year 8 Camp
Next week, our Year 8 students are heading off to Camp Laurence at Lake Moogerah from Tuesday 2 August to Friday 5 August. The camp program is jam-packed with activities ranging from team building exercises, to adrenaline challenge activities such as abseiling. The MMG survey feedback completed earlier this year indicated that all stakeholders in the college greatly value our outdoor education program, so I am sure this camp is highly anticipated by both our students and staff. I would like to thank Mrs Roslyn Cook for the significant time and energy spent organising the camp. We pray for good weather next week and hope that all students can challenge themselves on camp, bringing back a renewed sense of personal resilience and identity.
All the best to our arts students who are participating in the Toowoomba Eisteddfod over the coming days and week ahead. Events like this are wonderful opportunities for our students to showcase their talent within the local community. Many thanks to the teachers and tutors who work tirelessly with students through rehearsal to put on exceptional performances. We know you will do the College proud.
Have a great week.
Yours in faith,
Mr Jamie Pukallus
Director of Campus
2023 Year 12 Information Evening

Band Sleep Out
The students in the SSC Concert Band and Big Band participated in rehearsals, sectionals, night activities and meals together for the annual Band Sleep Out on Friday night, 22 July. This is a legacy that Mr Paul Edwards started and asked me to continue and what a blast it was! We were able to invite specialist tutors in and have some extended time to focus on our music for the upcoming Eisteddfod (31 July and 1 August, Empire Theatre, 6pm) and refine some fun 鈥榖angers鈥 for the upcoming Arts in Focus event (13 August, Empire Theatre 2.30pm).
Special thanks to:
Parents, for encouraging and ensuring the students were able to be there for as much time as possible and transporting multiple times if needed. The extra compromise required by some to make it work is greatly appreciated!
Mr Tyrone Lanagan and Ms Trish Wieland for organising and ordering the breaky ingredients and the induction into the kitchen so we could cook a hot breaky. The space was fantastic, we really appreciate being able to access these resources.
Mrs Libby Chapman for night supervision and pizza delivery.
The specialist tutors 鈥 in score order: Lauren Crighton (Flute), Yori Dade (Clarinet/Saxophone), Lorraine Fuller (Brass + low end) Christina Marangelli (Percussion). Andrew Bull for lockup assistance.
Boarding News
Hello to all our families!
This week has been very busy preparing for our Japanese students who arrive on Saturday. Our students are very excited about having roommates for a few days. What a culturally enriched opportunity this will be for our students.
We have five boarders attending QCIS at Downlands College on Monday. I am sure they will do themselves and Concordia proud.
On Saturday, our students will head off the Brisbane to spend the day at Sea World. Thank you to Nurse Libby for volunteering to assist on the trip.
Our news is very short this week and only a few photos. Next week it will be packed full of pictures and updates on how the week went. Stay tuned!
Take care and stay safe if you are travelling.
Mrs Maureen Taurima
Girls' Houseparent