The Week Ahead - Term 4, Week 6
Monday 7 November to Friday 11 November 2022
From the Head of College
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Just when we thought that Winter had well and truly run its course, the weather turned out to be very average during the middle of the week. I hope that every family is keeping well and travelling safely as come to the end of Week 5 already. The Year 12 students are now mid-way through their external exams with several stepping away from school life after completing their final exam. We are looking forward to hosting all our Year 12 students at a farewell breakfast on Wednesday 16 November.
Good luck to our Year 10 students as they begin their exam block towards the end of next week.
The Year 11 student leaders need to be congratulated on how well they have stepped up and into their various leadership roles with some being the face to various end-of-year school events. It was also very affirming to see them lead the Senior College Assembly this past week. Our Year 5 students have also been called to action in the leadership space with nominations for 2023 now in. These students will now do their nomination speeches and interviews next week. Good luck to all these students and thank you for making yourselves available to serve our school community next year.
One of the above-mentioned events which took place this week was the annual Sports Breakfast. It was great to host an event where the venue was filled with students. Thank you to the many parents, outside coaches and guests who also attended the event. One of the strategic outcomes for Concordia, in preparing for 2023, was to restructure the Sports Program. As a small College, which holds positive social, pastoral care and academic advantages, we cannot continue to be everything to every sport. This has prompted us to introduce a new structure and framework for sport at Concordia.
Moving into 2023, every sport offered and tournament entered will be honoured by including a commitment to skill development, coaching, preparation, presentation [uniform], maximum participation and a clear pathway for each of the identified sports. The HPE Department and Sports Coordinator roles have also been restructured under a new Head of HPE and Sport [Prep 鈥 Year 12] to ensure clear and transparent communication and organisation in all sporting matters. We are also looking forward to hosting our new head of HPE and Sport, Mr Darron Skinner-Martin, for a visit at Concordia before the end of the school year as part of this transition process.
Included with this week鈥檚 newsletter is a link to the new Sports Program Handbook. This aspirational and living document has also been included in the College鈥檚 website and in Parent Lounge/Student Cafe under School Links > Cocurricular and Sport. Do not hesitate to contact your Director of campus, our current Head of HPE, Mr John Matthews or myself if you wish to discuss any aspect of this information.
One of the aspects I shared with the students, parents, guests and staff at Wednesday鈥檚 Sports Breakfast are the numerous Physical, Psychological and Social Benefits which come from playing and participating in sport. Below is a list of these benefits and 19 good reasons for all of us to stay active.

Today I had the wonderful opportunity to have Morning Tea with the two outgoing Captains of Hume Street Campus, Emily H and Emma W. It was great to hear their feedback on the many highlights, successes, challenges and considerations for the future. Thank you girls for your great leadership this year!
Staffing update
As we get to the end of another school year, staff movement away from the College as well as new staff preparing to join the College is part of the working dynamics.
This is to let you know that Ms Wendy Bowen will be leaving Concordia at the end of the year to take up the position of Head of Teaching and Learning on the secondary campus at Prince of Peace 女女视频 College in Brisbane. Wendy has been instrumental over the past six years, in leading the change process of the academic program and rigour at Concordia and will leave this area of College life in an outstanding condition. We will celebrate Wendy鈥檚 time and legacy at Concordia in the coming weeks.
We will now begin a recruitment process to fill this important role within the College and on the Leadership Team. Please keep Wendy in your prayers as she begins to plan for this transition from Concordia to her new school.
Have a safe and relaxing weekend.
Yours in Christ
Mr Anton Prinsloo
Head of College
Quote of the Week: Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence, is the key to unlocking our potential. [Liane Cardes]
From the College Pastor
All Saints
This week had two important dates for Christians in it 鈥 one was Monday 31 October, Reformation Day, and the other the day after: All Saints also known as All Hallows (which gives us Halloween, the eve before all Hallows). Of course, something far more exciting that dressing up and collecting sweets happened All Hallows Eve: It marks the beginning of the Reformation of the 16th century, a movement that laid the foundation for much of our modern world.
This week in chapel we spent some time to explore All Saints Day, which is on 1 November each year.
All Saints is often used in churches to remember those who have passed away over the last year, and we had opportunity to light a candle after chapel for that, All Saints is also a reminder that through Jesus we have been given a special status before God and by God. The term holy or Saint means nothing more or less than that. We are set apart, special to the creator of the universe! That is purely and act of God鈥檚 deep loves for all of us!
St Paul reminds us: For God chose us in Christ before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. (Ephesians 1:4).
This gift of holiness, that is being forgiven, having life, being part of his community is freely offered to all. And in Christ that is our status!
However, as Martin Luther (of Reformation fame) pointed out, we live int eh reality of being saints and sinners at the same time. On the one hand we are made perfect in Christ, and have been given an eternal future with God that cannot be taken from us, and we can reflect that in our lives and relationships, but on the other hand we are capable of doing some awful things and harming ourselves and those around us.
This reality means we understand that no-one is perfect, anyone can get things wrong at times. And this is part of our community as well. While we work hard to develop and frow positive relationships, sometimes things don鈥檛 work out that way.
But we don鈥檛 give up on one another, but we know that we can return to God, receive forgiveness and out of that work on restoring relationships, finding healing and seeking better ways to work together.
And All Saints Day reminds us of our status before God and encourages us to live into that status, to continually seek God鈥檚 guidance and grow in caring for one another, to be loving, to be kind. May you find encouragement in this.
Have a blessed week.
Pastor Thomas B枚hmert
College Pastor
Community News
International Men's Day BBQ
We hope you can join us for this special event.
Save the date!

Our 2023 musical is We Will Rock You and it鈥檚 time to mark the following dates in your calendars.
Performance dates are Thurday 18 May, Friday 19 May and Saturday 20 May 2023.
Don鈥檛 miss out on seeing this amazing show performed by our incredibly talented CLC students.
Get ready to rock!
2022 Presentation Evening

Concordia Car Boot Sale - Book your spot!
If you're looking for a chance to sell some no longer needed treasures, please consider booking a space at the Conocordia Car Boot Sale on Sunday 13 November. It's a great chance to find a new home for items you no longer need.
Alternatively, if you have something you'd like to sell, this is the chance to do it. Book your space today by .

Free Family Event

Hume Street OSHC - Bake Sale

Please for a copy of the order form.
The Star Nativity - Movie under the Stars

Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
JC Sport News
Our Junior College Basketballers are continuing in their Friday night competition and are proving very competitive in all their games. These fixtures are played across a variety of venues each week.
Week 1 鈥 Concordia 17 St Saviours 0
Week 2 鈥 Concordia 16 TASS (2) 12
Week 3 鈥 Concordia 25 Grammar (3) 9
Darling Downs Aquathlon championships
Last Friday 28 October, Emma Walkington, Arabella Knopke and Marcus Dealtry competed in the Darling Downs Aquathlon trials at Dalby. The event consisted of a 1km run leg, a 200m swim and another 1km run leg. This is a great achievement for these athletes to compete at such an event, with all performing very well. Special mention and congratulations to Arabella Knopke and Emma Walkington who were selected in the Darling Downs team to compete at Hervey Bay next year, a very rewarding result!
鈥淐ommit to be fit program鈥
The Commit To Be Fit program will continue before school for any interested students in Years 2 to 6. This program will run for four weeks. Details are below.
HSC - Tuesdays 7.30am-8am on the grassed area between the hall and tennis courts;
WSC - Wednesdays 7.30am鈥8am in the shed.
There will be a variety of fitness activities each morning, so come along and have some fun with your friends while being active. Students are to meet at these areas with a water bottle at 7.30am. There is no need to sign up for this. If it is raining on the mornings at HSC program, it will be cancelled for that day.
Swimming nominations have been emailed out to parents to complete and return via Jot form. This is for students who wish to compete in a variety of events for the annual JC Inter-House 8-12 years Swimming Carnival held at the Concordia Aquatic Centre on Thursday 17 November.
Students have been involved in swimming lessons already this term with TJ鈥檚 Swim team in preparation for this event. Once nominations are received, they will be collated and the program will be prepared for the carnival.
Mr Darryl Fry
Teacher / Junior College Sports Coordinator / Head Coach, Touch
From the Junior College Directors
Persistence, confidence, getting along, organisation and resilience are our You Can Do It traits at Concordia, and we have many students who exhibit these traits daily. On Monday 7 November, we will have had the privilege of listening to our Campus Captain speeches where our nominees will talk to us about their strengths and goals for 2023. HSC鈥檚 speeches will be in the HSC Hall at 12pm and WSC鈥檚 speeches will be held in the WSC Shed at 1.30pm. Both Mrs Jackie Minnikin and Mrs Juanetta Priest will attend the speeches of both campuses and then work as a team to interview the students. Mrs Libby Scouller and the 2022 Campus Captains will also be part of this team. These interviews will take place across Tuesday to Thursday, and we would hope that an announcement will be made on Friday 11 November at our Chapel Service.
Both campuses are moving into musical mode with much practicing, singing, and acting being rehearsed. We are looking forward to sharing this with you in the last week of school. Please save the date for this.
Our Years 3-6 swimmers are nearly ready for their carnival in Week 7. All are welcome on the day. If you can assist, we would love to hear from you.
An update on a staffing change for 2023. For family reasons, Mr Andrew Tennent has decided to step away from full time teaching. Andrew has been one of our valued staff members who has worked across both Junior Campuses but predominantly HSC for the past 17 years. Andrew has been loved by many students, both past and present, and will be greatly missed by us all. He will be joining us for our closing chapel service on Friday 25 November and we look forward to thanking him for his time with us.
We are pleased to be able to announce that Ms Zoe Hutchinson will be joining HSC to teach in our Year 4 class in 2023. Zoe currently works in Gatton teaching at our Peace 女女视频 School. We are currently organising a Meet and Greet afternoon before the end of the term, so our current Year 3鈥檚 can meet their teacher for next year.
to view HSC's Events for Term 4, Week 6.
to view WSC's Events for Term 4, Week 6.
Mrs Juanetta Priest - Director of Campus (Hume Street)
Mrs Jackie Minnikin - Director of Campus (Warwick Street)
JC Swimming Carnival Meal Deal - 17 November
On Thursday 17 November, the WSC Parent Connect are providing a meal deal for students at the Swimming Carnival and those students at their campus. Meal Deals will be delivered to the pool at 10.30am, HSC at 10.45am and to WSC at 12.45pm.
Orders are through My Student Account and close on Monday 14 November 2022 at 3pm.
Please note: This meal deal will replace Tuckshop in Week 7 for both WSC and HSC
Meal Deal details are below.
Cost: $8.00 with Gluten Free Options available
Option 1 - Wrap, Fruit Salad and Drink Choose from Chicken, Ham or Vegetarian Fruit Salad Drink - choose from Water or Chocolate/Strawberry Milk or Apple/Golden Pash/Orange Popper
Option 2 - Sushi, Fruit Salad and Drink Choose from Chicken Teriyaki or Tuna and Mayo Fruit Salad Drink - choose from Water or Chocolate/Strawberry Milk or Apple/Golden Pash/Orange Popper
JC 2022 Inter-House Swimming Carnival - 17 November
On Thursday 17 November students from the age group 8-12 year olds will be participating in the JC 2022 Inter-House Swimming Carnival held at the Concordia Aquatic Centre. Students will need to be dropped at the pool by 8.15am for an 8.30am start. for a copy of the program.
We are looking for parent who are available on the day to help with timekeeping. We are running 2 sessions 8.30am to 10.20am and 10.50am to 12.30pm. If you are able to help please to submit your availability.
Outside School Hours Care
OSHC Kids Cooking Club with Bec Turner

Hume Street Campus
HSC Musical - 24 November 2022
We will be having food and drink vans in the Junior Playground prior to the Musical on Thursday 24 November between 5pm and 5.45pm. The Musical will then start at 6pm.

HSC Tuckshop Orders
At HSC, Tuckshop is held on a Thursday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.
HSC 2023 Booklists
Our 2023 booklists are available for online ordering. Place your order online through Browns Office Choice. The Book Lists' link is also available in .
Orders that were placed and paid for before Wednesday 16 November will be ready for collection from HSC Resource Centre on Thursday 24 November between 8.00am and 9.30am.
Brown鈥檚 Office Choice -
Please note, the headphones have been taken off the 2023 booklists due to quality of previously sourced headphones.
- Each student will need a set of headphones for school.
- Please check the strength of the connection where it plugs into the device.
- Our little Prep students sometimes get confused if there is a volume button on the headphones so please avoid this if possible.
HSC Weekly Events
Please to view HSC's Events for Term 4, Week 6.
HSC Prep to Year 6 Swimming Lessons - updated spreadsheet
On Friday 7 October, students from Prep to Year 6 will commence their swimming lessons at the Concordia Aquatic Centre. Each of these classes will participate in eight lessons over Term 4. Please for the schedule.
Please ensure that students have the following:
- Dressing gown - this is great for the students to wear to and from the pool as we don't know what the weather is going to be like;
- Thongs
- Swimming togs - it would be great for our Prep students to wear their togs to school
- Goggles
- House swimming cap
- Towel
To avoid any lost items, please clearly label all of your child's items including their shoes, underwear and uniform.
HSC Jnr Choir (Yrs 3 & 4) Performance - 11 November
The HSC Jnr Choir have been asked to perform at a morning tea on Friday 11 November as part of a fundraising morning tea to support Tony's Community Kitchen. This is a great opportunity for students to gain confidence in performing.
Event Details
Date and Time: 10am, Friday 11 November
Venue: Kingfisher Gardens Lifestyle Village
Transport: College bus
Uniform: Formal Uniform
Parent Permission
Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission by Wednesday 9 November.
路 Login to Parent Lounge >
路 Click on Events and Payments >
路 Click on - [[tour_desc]] >
路 Accept >
路 save
Important Note: Please check and ensure your child's medical and emergency contact details are up to date.
If you have any questions regarding this excursion, please contact your child's teacher.
HSC Volunteers Chapel Service and Morning Tea - 18 November
Warwick Street Campus
WSC Musical - 22 November 2022

WSC Tuckshop Orders
At WSC, Tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 7.
WSC 2023 Booklists
Our 2023 booklists are available for online ordering. Place your order online through Browns Office Choice. The Book Lists' link is also available in .
Orders that were placed and paid for before Monday 14 November will be ready for collection from WSC Shed on Wednesday 23 November between 8.00am and 9.30am.
Brown鈥檚 Office Choice -
Please note, the headphones have been taken off the 2023 booklists due to quality of previously sourced headphones.
- Each student will need a set of headphones for school.
- Please check the strength of the connection where it plugs into the device.
- Our little Prep students sometimes get confused if there is a volume button on the headphones so please avoid this if possible.
WSC Weekly Events
Please to view WSC's Events for Term 4, Week 6.
WSC Volunteers Chapel Service and Morning Tea - 18 November
Stephen Street Campus
From the Director of Campus
It has been an absolute treat seeing overseas visitors grace our shores again following the difficult COVID years. This week we hosted visiting students and staff from Kitatoshima Girls鈥 High School in Japan. In speaking with tour leaders on their final day yesterday, it was clear that the students thoroughly enjoyed their Concordia experience. The tour leaders remarked just how wonderful a school Concordia is, and that they always look forward to bringing tour groups here and would love to expand the relationship in future years. Thank you to Mrs Bianca Coleborn for coordinating the study tour, and to our boarding supervisions Ms Maureen Taurima and Mr Andrew Bull for their hospitality and making the students' stay one they will remember.
Sports Breakfast
Despite the early start and unusually brisk November morning, our sports breakfast on Wednesday was a huge success. Students, parents, sporting code representatives and school staff came together to celebrate sport at Concordia and hear about the future sporting strategy for the college. Our guest speaker, Councillor James O鈥橲hea shared his own journey in sport, highlighting the important balancing and grounding role sport has played in his life. He also challenged students to think about what their own definition of success is, and encouraged everyone to focus on the positive benefits that come from participation in sport and maintaining an active lifestyle. Following this, our Sports and House Captains were interviewed to share their own passion for sport, and how they see the College further developing a strong sport and House culture.
I wish to recognise our incoming 2023 Sports Captains Danielle Watson and Alex Wright for the great job they did as our MCs for the morning. We are very blessed with the leadership talent we have at Concordia, and it is always so encouraging to see students take on these roles.
Year 9 Googa Homecoming Celebration
After four very fast weeks, our Year 9 students returned to us this week from their Googa adventure. I was able to attend the Family Day last Saturday, and was so moved by the family celebrations and closing bush chapel service. The staff spoke so highly of our students (and the wonderful families they come from) and the college, with students showing maturity and resilience beyond their years. One of the staff even commented that she was trying to convince her husband that they should move to Toowoomba so their kids could go to Concordia!
Next Tuesday 9 November we will be holding the official Rite Journey Coming Home Celebration to mark the conclusion of the Year 9 Rite Journey program. We again look forward to bringing this group of students and their families together to reflect on the year and the growth of this groups of students through this important passage in their lives.
Year 7 2023 鈥 Final Connect Session
On Wednesday 10 November we once again welcome our incoming Year 7 students for 2023 and their parents for our final Connect session. Students will participate in some team building activities while parents are provided with information about our Pastoral Care team and programs. A huge thank you to Mrs Michelle Price and Mrs Roslyn Cook for their time this year in ensuring our future students and their families a smooth and well-informed transition into life at Stephen Street Campus.
Arts PBL Presentation
Our Years 7 and 8 students will have the opportunity to showcase their work in the Arts on Friday 11 November from 4.30pm in the Lecture Theatre. This year鈥檚 new inquiry-based approach 鈥 Project Based Learning (PBL), has seen students respond to a driving question through one of the creative or performing arts. We can鈥檛 wait to see the plethora of skills and talents of our students on display for the community, as they unveil their interpretations of the Disney Project.
Have a great week.
Yours in faith,
Mr Jamie Pukallus
Director of Campus
Elevate - Upcoming webinar for parents鈥
We鈥檙e excited to announce that Elevate Education's next free webinar will be taking place on Wednesday 9 November.
Elevate Education works with our students, delivering high impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation. By tuning into their webinar series you will learn how you can help better support your children at home through reinforcing the skills they learn at school:鈥
Wednesday 9 November, 6.30pm
How to Help Your Child Manage Their Stress and Wellbeing
In this webinar Elevate will be showing parents:
鉁 How to spot your child's stress symptoms early
鉁 How to start a conversation about emotional wellbeing
鉁 Techniques your child can use to self-manage stress
The Edge Cafe

Start your week off on the right foot with a coffee or hot chocolate from The Edge Caf茅, freshly prepared by our Year 10 Hospitality students.
This week come in and try a free sample of our lemon or chocolate slice! **Chai Latte now available**
The Caf茅 is open 8am to 9.15am every Monday this term. All beverages are one size and a bargain $3 each (Almond or Soy + 50c).
Payment via MSA or EFTPOS, no cash.
Students, parents and staff are invited to pop in and have a coffee take away or stay and chat while Kochie catches you up with the latest news on Sunrise.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Sports News
Unfortunately, the girls' team lost their bronze medal match Vs SSC this afternoon 1 set to 2, 57-72 after having a particularly slow start in the first set (to be fair we did win the first 3 points in a row but then couldn鈥檛 break their serve for about 13 points in a row). After a slow first set, we were pretty much even in sets 2 and 3 so the girls deserve a pat on the back for fighting back hard.
In brighter news, Kashar was awarded MVP of the season amongst all teams which is an awesome achievement.
Rugby 7s
- Game 1: Concordia 7 Vs St Mary鈥檚 56
- Game 2: Concordia 21 Vs Downlands 22
- Game 3: Concordia 5 Vs TAS 29
Opens - Highfields Sport and Rec (field 3 game 1 & 2, field 2 game 3):
- Game 1: Concordia 7 Vs TAS 42
- Game 2: Concordia 0 Vs MM/Highlands 40
- Game 3: Concordia 7 Vs TAS 34
Boarding Update
Hello to all our Boarding families. We are halfway and counting down!
This week we have had the pleasure of hosting a small group of Japanese students in our boarding house. Our students have all been great ambassadors and have displayed a warm and friendly welcome. The girls have learnt some origami and have conversed using some broken language. We have also been able to showcase Toowoomba鈥檚 beautiful parks and shopping centres along with promoting Tim Tams and Chocolate Koalas.
Our Googa students returned on Saturday. Thank you, Mr Wally, for driving to Googa to support and collect our students. The students returned very tired and hungry for tak aways and phones.
Girls Boarder Captain, Georgette May, completed the 鈥淗ike for the homeless鈥 on Saturday along with other Concordia students. The hike taking approx. 2 hours. Truly a big effort, George. Well done.
Sports breakfast was held this morning with many of our boarders attending. We have some very talented young students who participate in Soccer, Touch, Rugby, 7s, Basketball, Volleyball, Futsal, Cricket and Weightlifting. Congratulations to all those who have participated this year.
Many thanks to our cleaners, Wendy and Sandy, who daily make sure the dorms and common areas are maintained to a high standard also to the groundsmen who clip away and mow on a regular basis. Our boarding houses, although aging are clean, cool, comfortable and full of happy fun loving students. Testament to a great Concordia Boarding team.
Just a few reminders for end of term. Travel day is Saturday 26 November, however, we are happy for you to collect your son/daughter after school (3.15pm) on Thursday.
Students will be requested to pack all their belongings to take home. Flight bound students can store personal belongings in our storeroom due to weight restrictions.
All students are to have their rooms checked prior to departing. We have an expectation no different than home. 鈥淵our mess, you clean.鈥
That鈥檚 all for this week
Stay safe and take care.
Mrs Maureen Taurima
Girls' Houseparent