The Week Ahead - Term 1, Week 9
Monday 22 March to Friday 26 March 2021
From the Head of College
As Open Day approaches, please keep this most important day in the front of your mind 鈥 it is coming up very quickly (Saturday 27 March). We have learned a great deal from running the event virtually last year, and the 2021 Open Day will take those positive aspects from last year and mix them with the activities that we know worked on site in 2019.
How can you support your school? Encourage friends or colleagues with school aged children to pay us a visit, and to register an interest in the College through the Concordia website. All three campuses will be full of activity on Open Day, and your 鈥榳ord of mouth鈥 support is always greatly appreciated.
Congratulations to our Year 12 students from 2020 who have now moved on with their career or to further study. On Monday evening I am looking forward to attending the Scholarship Recognition Evening to be held at the University of Southern Queensland. On this occasion, Grace Trenaman and Emma Larsen from the Class of 2020 will be introduced as 2021 USQ Scholarship winners. Congratulations to these past scholars and their families.
Congratulations to our musicians who performed at 鈥楯azz Under the Stars鈥 last Saturday evening. All reports were that our students were outstanding on what was a relaxing night of entertainment. Thank you to Mr Paul Edwards for his organisation of our involvement in this event.
Concordia again shone out as we hosted the QCIS Swimming Carnival - as a last-minute request. The inclement weather of last week meant that this important carnival between local Independent coeducational schools was about to be cancelled because of the outside venue. Congratulations to Mrs Jana Anderson, Mr Troy Chandler and College staff for bringing together a superb event on the day. Well done also to our swimmers who placed second overall as a team.
Kind regards
Mr Adrian Wiles
Head of College
From the College Pastor
Community News
'A Midsummer Night's Dream' - book now!
Full of celebration, visual splendour and joyous laughter, this always popular show with audiences features an amazing student cast and contemporary songs that will captivate the whole family. Performances will be on Thursday 29 and Friday 30 April at 7pm.
Concordia Plays 鈥楯azz Under the Stars鈥 youth music festival
On Saturday 13 March our Concordia 女女视频 College Big Band performed for the inaugural 鈥楯azz Under the Stars鈥 youth music festival. The festival is a Toowoomba Band Directors Guild initiative, created to give young jazz musicians in the region an authentic music festival performance experience. Eight schools from Toowoomba participated in the festival with ten school bands and a special guest performance from the Cool Nights Big Band.
In the spirit of support and understanding, all of the bands supported each other, offering enthusiastic applause for soloists and sometimes lending school and adult players to fill out missing parts in bands. We were fortunate enough to be joined by Gavin and Renee McKenzie (Cool Night Big Band) and Benn Tracey (Director of Music, St Mary鈥檚 College). We were blessed with beautiful weather and a crowd that often numbered above 300 people throughout the event.
Special thanks to the Toowoomba Anglican School for hosting this year鈥檚 event. I am confident this event will continue into the future and become a popular event for schools in our region.
Thanks to Nerida Eckert for the photos in the below gallery.
Mr Paul Edwards
Coordinator of Music Performance
Swimming News
Congratulations to all our Junior College swimmers in their efforts in the pool at the Darling Downs trials at Gatton representing Central Zone. It was great to see our swimmers give their best in all events and representing their school proudly, also thank you to our parents support on this day. It was great seeing parents back at our sporting events.
Students who attended were Sofie Osborne, Emily Holding, Emma Walkington, Connor Gadsby, Arabella Knopke, James Rice, Ollie Dunlop, Ava Hopper and Freddy De Toit. Special mention and congratulations also to Emma Walkington on gaining Darling Downs selection to compete at the state titles next week in Brisbane, while several students can count themselves unlucky by missing out by the narrowest of margins in qualifying. We wish Emma all the best at this next level.
Earlier this week, Concordia participated in the annual Queensland Combined Independent Schools (QCIS) swimming carnival at the Concordia Aquatic Centre, which Concordia hosted. This was a fantastic day of competition from all students involved, with the Concordia Swimming team winning several age divisions overall, and coming second in both the Aggregate and Percentage Trophies. Special mention to all the people that made this carnival a success, with many late changes including venue, with the weather on the day being less than favourable. Well done! In the gallery below, you will find photos from the QCIS Carnival.
Mr Darryl Fry
JC Sports Coordinator
Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
Tired of the juggle with the morning rush for school? Are you finding it hard to get the children organised, dropped off to school and then find you are still running late for work? Consider Before School Care as an option.
With Before School Care, we drop your children off. We are open from 6.30am each school day morning with a courtesy bus running WSC children to school. Children are welcome to bring along breakfast to enjoy at their own pace before heading to school.
Before School Care costs only $18 per session and is even cheaper with CCS applied. Let us take the hassle out of your mornings!
Contact us today at to find more information or to make a booking.
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
From the Director
The Word is … Phonics are in
The Courier Mail had a very interesting article in their paper Friday 12 March where they discussed the importance of phonics in the skill of spelling.
It does refer to 鈥榯eaching philosophies falling in and out of favour鈥, however at Concordia, we have aligned ourselves with phonic based programs for the past 12 years. 95% of our teachers are either WRAP (Writing, Reading and Phonics) or InitiaLit trained and have implemented a phonics rich environment for all of your children鈥檚 years of learning with us.
In 2018, we began implementing the MultiLit Suite (Pre-Lit Kindy, InialLit P-2, Mini-Lit, MacqLit and Reading Tutor). These programs take the elements of our WRAP program and builds in intensive intentional teaching coupled with set assessments.
What is phonics? The Courier Mail describes it as, "the relationship between written letters and their spoken sounds.鈥
In the early years, the students concentrate on learning the 76 sounds of our English language. They also learn the basic parts of speech (verb, noun, adverb, adjective) as well as the basic grammar rules.
Years 3 to 6 continue the spelling journey learning more complex grammar rules.
Did you know that …
- English words cannot end in an 鈥榠鈥? eg spaghetti 鈥 not English, Italian. Challenge - Try to think of an English one.
- Every syllable has to have a vowel and that is why 鈥榶鈥 is substituted for an 鈥榠鈥. As stated previously, we can鈥檛 end an English word with an 鈥榠鈥, so if it is a words such as 鈥榳hy鈥, a student learns that it has to be a y at the end.
Please find below a copy of some of the spelling rules that we learn.
Information for Volunteers
The College is always appreciative of parents who are willing to offer their help and expertise in specific interest areas or supporting other activities.
We are always grateful for parents and community members who have the skill and time to support student learning. There are many opportunities in which to help, and it is a great way to become involved in the Concordia community.
To register your interest in volunteering, please complete this .
To learn more about volunteering, please read the .
Signing in with Sine
All visitors to the college must sign in while on campus. This includes classroom helpers, chapel and assembly. This can be done one of two ways …
- At reception through our Sine in device or
- Download the Sine app and log in through the app.
An email will be sent to Reception or Director so that for records and safety, we know who is on campus. Thank you for complying with this requirement.
Diving into Politics and Leadership with Hon David Janetzki MP
David visited us this week both in the Year 6 classroom and on Assembly.
We had a great Q&A time with him. Our students asked some really interesting questions.
Q: When will all the plastic items that normally get sucked out to sea get banned? - Charlotte
A: We have already banned straws. We are working with people in the community to look at other items.
Q: How do you make new laws and how do you get people to obey those laws? - Micah
A: We discuss law changes in Parliament and we decide what the new law will be. It is then advertised in the media.
Q: Have you ever got into an argument in Parliament and then found out you are arguing about the same thing? - Chase
A: Yes. I just said to someone I normally sit next ot the other day - "Haven't we heard this argument before?"
Q: What is the favourite part of your job? - Eloise
A: Not travelling but I do like coming to school and talking to kids.
Q: What was your job before you became a politician? - Chase
A: I milked cows for my first job but was a lawyer before starting politics.
Q: Have you ever had a really big argument in politics? - Sophie
A: Yes - but the news always shows the arguments and that we do talk nicely to one another most of the time.
Q: What does MP stand for? - Micah
A: Member of Parliament.
Lots of Socks and Bullying No Way Day
Today we supported World Downs Syndrome Day by wearing our craziest socks and donating a gold coin. The HSC students raised $232.00 to go towards our local Toowoomba and District Down Syndrome Support Group Inc. The students also had fun dressing in orange for the Bullying No Way Day.
Shave for a cure for Leukemia
Charlotte Scouller, in Year 5 is also a superhero. She is choosing to have her head shaved to fundraise money to go towards research into Leukemia. Charlotte will have her shave at school on Friday 26 March. Here is a message from Charlotte …
鈥淗i there! I'm on a mission to shave the world from blood cancer… Will you be my shave-sidekick and sponsor me for World鈥檚 Greatest Shave? Every day another 47 Australians are diagnosed with a blood cancer, that's one Aussie every 31 minutes. Your donation will make sure families facing blood cancer have a place to call home during treatment, someone to turn to, and access to the best possible care and treatment. You will also help drive funding for Australia鈥檚 best and brightest blood cancer researchers in their quest to deliver rapid advancements in diagnosis, treatment and ultimately a cure. Will you help by sponsoring me today? Just click here to sponsor me: Thank You!"
to view HSC's Events for Week 9.
Mrs Juanetta Priest
Director of Campus
HSC Campus Photos 鈥 Monday 22 March
HSC Campus Photos 鈥 Monday 22 March
Our Campus Photos are scheduled for Monday 22 March. Could you please ensure your child/ren are in the correct uniform. Students in Prep and Year 1 will wear their sports uniform. All students from Years 2 to 6 are required to wear their Formal Uniform.
Please send the photo envelopes with the students on the day.
Family Photos
To enable parents to purchase a Family Photo of all or some of their children who attend Concordia 女女视频 College, photos of siblings will be taken in the Hume Street Campus Hall between 8am and 8.15am on photo day.
It will be the parents鈥 responsibility to get their SSC children to HSC for the family photo and then take them to SSC ready for school before 8.30am. If you would like family photos done could you please collect a family photo envelope from Reception prior to Photo day.
Tuckshop Orders
At HSC, tuckshop is held on a Thursday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.
Colour Explosion Fun Run
Thank you so much for continuously supporting our school, especially through fundraising. This term, we are hosting a Colour Explosion School Fun Run.
Start fundraising today.
Did you know? Students raise 3x times more when they fundraise online! Visit to create your child鈥檚 cybersafe fundraising profile. Instructions are in your child鈥檚 sponsorship booklet. You have until Friday 23 April to fundraise, so make sure you get cracking!
The big day is coming!
We are so excited to host our Colour Explosion School Fun Run on Tuesday 30 March. On the day, make sure your child brings a white shirt and old shorts for the Fun Run and waterslide! They will be covered in non-toxic, high quality colour powder from head to toe! They will also need a water bottle and their hat. Sunscreen will be provided in the classrooms prior to the event.
How do prizes work? Help your child fundraise more by setting a prize goal! It鈥檚 okay if they change their mind 鈥 you order their exact prizes later. You can order your child鈥檚 prizes online at by Friday 9 April . Alternatively, complete the back page of your sponsorship booklet when you return your cash donations. Students can choose a prize based on the total amount of dollars raised, or mix and match smaller prizes.
Share in $200,000 worth of extra prize credit! Achieve bigger prizes by helping your child earn bonus credit on their online profile. By reaching fundraising milestones online, you can share in $200,000 of extra prize credit!
Become a Fundraising MonSTAR! Collect all virtual badges on your online profile page and receive your own Fundraising MonSTAR bag tag.
Class Reward Prize. Teamwork counts! If your class creates the most online profile pages each student will receive a Fundraising MonSTAR handball.
FundRazor of the Year Award. Do you think you can top the national leader board? Australia鈥檚 highest fundraising student in Australia will win a Razor Prize Pack, worth $4,900!
If you have any questions about the Colour Explosion School Fun Run please contact the office of on 1300 133 022. Thanks for supporting our school and we hope to see you at the event.
Happy fundraising!
HSC P&F Committee Mother's Day Stall - 5 and 6 May 2021
This year, the HSC P&F Committee will be having a Mother's Day Stall on Wednesday 5 May and Thursday 6 May. The gifts will be $5.00 each and can be for Mums, Nannies/Grandmas or other special motherly role models in your family.
For ordering purposes, please indicate if you are wanting to purchase a gift and how many you would like via the form below.
Year 4 Gateway House Care Packages
After discussions during Christian Studies and the unit focus being on 鈥楲ove thy neighbour as yourself鈥 (Matthew 22:39), Year 4 have chosen to support the Gateway House project as their 2021 Service Project and culmination to the current Christian Studies unit.
The children have chosen a store to write to and have asked for donations to support this project. Some of the children have hand delivered their letters to the business and are waiting for a response. The children have spoken about their project and why they feel it is important to support.
It is our aim to provide Gateway House with care packages that assist in supporting the youth that come through their doors. Care packages may include towels, sheets set, toiletries, stationary to support education, recreation items such as skipping ropes and balls as well as other basic essential items including a backpack for care packages to be distributed in.
If you feel you would like to donate either goods or money to support the Year Four children in their Service Project, please drop your donations to the HSC reception. All your donations will be most gratefully received. This project will run through to Term 2 with more information and updates to follow.
鈥楪ateway House provides support accommodation for young people aged 16-25 years who have an immediate need for Homelessness support. As part of the program young people are encouraged to engage in education or employment. Young people who are residing in Gateway House are expected to contribute to rent and weekly amenities.鈥
Warwick Street Campus
From the Director
During a week that has been so rainy and dreary, it was fitting to use the quote 鈥淏e a rainbow in somebody else鈥檚 cloud鈥 at Assembly this week. It is always so encouraging to hear the thoughts and analogies of the students each week when I share a new quote.
As the clouds parted today, the dreariness of the grey skies this week were brightened with a sea of orange and crazy socks today as we recognised Bullying No Way Day and Lots of Socks Day. All of the funds raised from Lots of Socks Day will go towards supporting and empowering people with Down Syndrome. This is a great cause that is close to our hearts at Concordia and we had all students and teachers rocking their wonderful and crazy socks!
As we move into Week 9, we will be celebrating Harmony Day at our Assembly at the special time of 8.30am. Celebrating cultural diversity is important at WSC and it would be wonderful to have some families share a little of their culture with us. If you are interested in sharing, please let me know - we would love to have you!
to view WSC's Events for Week 9.
Blessings for the week ahead.
Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campus
Word on the Street
Can you guess how many Easter Eggs are in the jar? All you need is a gold coin for a guess. The jar of eggs will be in Reception if you would like to try your luck! This will be drawn the last day of Term 1, Wednesday 31 March and the winner will be announced at our final Chapel Service.

Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 Swimming Lessons
Please note: NO Parents can attend swimming lessons due to Covid-19 restrictions.
On Monday 22 March, Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 will commence their swimming lessons at the Concordia Aquatic Centre. Each of these classes will participate in five lessons over the last two weeks of Term 1.
Please ensure that students have the following items:
- Swimming togs
- Goggles
- House swimming cap
- Towel
- Jumper for cold weather
Tuckshop Orders
At WSC, Tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. This will be the last Tuckshop for this term.
Stephen Street Campus
Lost Property
SSC P&F News
Thank you to everyone who braved the wet weather on Monday night and came along to our meeting. It was great seeing you all there and as always it was great to connect with everyone. There were some fabulous ideas for future events too, so please keep watching this space to see what is coming up.
Next weekend, Saturday 27 March is Concordia鈥檚 Open Day and we will be hosting the Sausage Sizzle BBQ in the Quad at Stephen Street Campus. If there are any parents/guardians who are able to assist for an hour here or there between 8.45am and 1.30pm on the day. Please click the following link to select a time slot that will work for you:
Due to COVID-19 requirements, it is necessary to register your attendance and the following considerations will also be in place:
- Hand sanitiser will be available, please use it throughout the event.
- Please ensure social distancing with others in attendance.
- If you are unwell, please stay home.
If we don鈥檛 see you at the BBQ or Open Day, we hope to see you at our next P&F meeting in Term 2, on Monday 17 May. Meanwhile, if you have any ideas for fundraising, a question or concern you need help with then please feel free to email us at
Have a fabulous week ahead and we look forward to connecting with you soon.
Mrs Hazel Buckley
Chair, SSC P&F Committee
Sport News
Volleyball has returned after no games in 2020. If you wish to play, training is Monday 5.30pm to 7.30pm in the Gym.

Boarding News
As one door closes another one opens. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome our new tutor, Miss Alexis Le Garde. Alexis is currently studying Visual Arts at USQ.
Last week, Carolyn Marschall (Boarder Captain) and Kaitlyn Zelinski (Vice Boarder Captain) attended the International Women鈥檚 Day breakfast with Mrs Natalie Houston, Year Level and Pastoral Coordinator.

Saturday evening dinner was Dominos Pizza which was enjoyed by all.
The Sunday BBQ was cooked by Bradley and Kerri Stiller assisted by Bella Clark and Mr Ross. The food was cooked to perfection! Many came back for seconds.
Nadia Thomas (Ministry Captain) and Travolta Isingi (Boarder Vice Captain) attended Emmanuel for the Installation service for Pastor Nathan Glover. We all look forward to many services with Pastor Glover.
Farewell to Mr Gates and hello to Mr Colley! Year 9 student Jacob returned from weekend leave with a few extra boxes of computer components and bits and bobs, with a clear vision of building his own computer. Watch this space over the next few months and we will keep you all updated with his progress.
Sports Update
- Boarders were all pumped up last Wednesday for the annual Cross Country. Chrissy Watson won the Senior girls, Selina Richards placed third and Stuart Larsen was fourth in their respective events. Year 7 Daisy Combo-Gadd was fourth in the Junior girls. Congratulations and well done to all those who participated!
- The volleyball competition started this week at Harristown State High School with our Junior girls winning their first game and our Senior social team narrowly missing out on a win.
- Selina Richards and Jacinta Kucks attended the Laura Geitz Netball Shield held at The Glennie School last weekend. Many thanks to Mr and Mrs Richards for their support it transporting and supervising for the day, and for all the great goodies Bridgette had in her eski!
- Senior girls AFL had a loss this week however are still sitting close enough to the top to make it into the finals. Thanks again to Mrs Jana Anderson for her support in transportation.
- Carolyn Marschall attended Ipswich Jets Netball trials on Sunday afternoon.
As you can all see, it has been yet another full week for our boarding students, remembering that this has all been done outside the school day.
With exams and assessments due we all need to remind and encourage students to take advantage of the extra out of class support that is being offered by the teaching staff and tutors. Please feel free to encourage your sons and daughters to take full advantage of this as many of the students are playing catch up. Support from the teachers is too good to miss out on.
Feel free to contact either of us for further information regarding after/before school support for you children.
Hope you all enjoy our photos this week.
Catch you all next week,
Mrs Maureen Taurima and Mr Ross McKeown