The Week Ahead - Term 3, Week 7
Monday 22 August to Friday 26 August 2022
From the Head of College
Dear Parents and Caregivers
What a wonderful celebration of the Arts was held last week on Saturday. As an inaugural event, the Arts in Focus event brought the College together as well as achieved everything it was intended to do, to showcase the incredible talent of our students.
Thank you to the Arts staff for the planning and student preparation which went into the showcase and congratulations on hosting this rich event. Thank you to the many staff and parent volunteers who stepped in to support the Arts staff before, during and after the event.
Welcome back to our Year 3 and 11 students from their respective outdoor education camps this week. Thank you to the staff who planned, supported and visited the students at their camps this week. Many thanks also to parents for your support and encouragement of your children to attend these wonderful opportunities which provide them with life, social and growing up experiences which will stand them in good stead for years to come.
Towards 2026 - Tomorrow morning, the College will host a gathering of students, parents, staff, College Council members, 女女视频 Education Queensland [LEQ] staff and the Leadership Team as we undertake a review of Concordia鈥檚 current Strategic Plan.
This event will launch the College Towards 2026 as we consider, review and confirm our strategic direction for the next three years. This information will also deeply inform our Annual Plan for each of the next three years. I look forward to sharing this document with you over the coming weeks. I need to acknowledge the work done by the members of the Leadership Team in preparing for this process.
Our Year 12 students begin the countdown to their time left at school with their Mock Exam Block in Week 7. This is an important milestone as our students and their teachers get the opportunity to ensure that they are prepared as best as possible for the end year external exams. Our Year 11 students will also move into an exam block towards the end of Term 3.
I would like to share with you some tips and guidelines to examinations:
Studying: Set up in a dedicated study space. Provide a steady supply of healthy snacks and water. The brain needs this to work better! Plan a short break between chunks of study, to refresh both the brain and body. Help map out a study program that leads up to each subject exam. Working with a friend can help by letting them test each other and talk about the work. Just check that they stay focused on study. Encourage them to explain something to you. If you can understand their explanation, then they will be able to produce a good answer in the exam.
Exam Time: Go over the exam timetable thoroughly so that you know when each exam is scheduled. Make sure that transport is on time. Make sure that the rest of the family gives them space and peace while they prepare for their exams. Emphasise the need for plenty of sleep, especially the night before an exam.
On the day of the exam: Ensure that they are up in time and at school in plenty of time before the exam is due to start. Check that they have everything they need. Check what is not allowed in the exam room and that devices are left at home if not required. Suggest appropriate clothing for the current changes in temperature. Afterwards, forget about that exam and focus on the next one. There will be reflection, revision and feedback time provided to our students after their Mock Block.
Good luck and stay connected with the College if assistance and guidance are required.
See you all dressed up for Book Week next week!
Have a safe weekend.
Yours in Christ
Mr Anton Prinsloo
Head of College
Quote of the Week: The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. [E. Hubbard]
From the College Pastor
Arts in Focus
Last Saturday, I was privileged to attend the inaugural Concordia Arts in Focus event, combining all campuses in showcasing various Arts 鈥 visual, music, drama and dance.
Evidently, a lot of work had gone into organising this day and it ran really well 鈥 including a coffee van and barbecue provided by the Parent Connect group. A big thank you to all involved!
I have always enjoyed participating in celebrations of The arts and I was amazed by the amazing variety of gifts and talents our students displayed.
Almost a third of the Junior College was on stage for the massed choir 鈥 and you could see they enjoyed their singing! There were some incredible artworks on display including some by young children that could well be displayed in a major art gallery.
The performances by various bands, choirs, drama groups and others were magnificent. It was a wonderful glimpse of the variety of learning that goes on at Concordia and that reflects our philosophy to teach the whole child.
We understand each person is uniquely created and gifted by a loving God and through our teaching and learning we seek to help our students to discover their gifts and learn to develop, appreciate and enjoy them and find ways to contribute to the wider community through their giftedness.
In Psalm 139:13-14, we read this reflection of the Psalmist about God: For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother鈥檚 womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
May you see God at work in and through the artists, and may you also discover and rejoice in the gifts that you and your children have been given.
God bless your week.
Pastor Thomas B枚hmert
College Pastor
Walk My Way

At Concordia 女女视频 College, we are aware of the many blessings that God has provided us with and the responsibilities that come with being so blessed! We are encouraged to share our gifts with others, so that all may experience God鈥檚 infinite love and care.
Walk My Way is part of The Grace Project, which since 2019, has helped more than 62,500 refugee children to go to school!
This year again we have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives and future of refugee children.
$26 will allow one child to attend school for one year, including learning materials! It is facilitated by Australian 女女视频 World Service, a government approved aid organisation, with a great track record for helping those most in need.
Could the Concordia community send 100 children to school next year? Come and join the Concordia Community for the Walk My Way events this year!
At SSC on Friday 16 September after lunch we will gather at the rugby oval and walk a pre-determined course of at least 2km - in homegroups. The Year 12 students will have opportunity to do this earlier in the week.
The Junior College campuses will do this on Thursday 6 October after lunch. Parents are invited and welcome!
There will be a competition to see which House can send the most children to school.
Our students will walk 鈥 how far? If every SSC home group walks 2km, we come to a symbolic 26km. How far will the Junior College students walk? Who will go furthest?
Please support your children in this endeavour. Or do your own walk and raise funds for this cause.
Please donate to your House through this fundraising page (scroll down and click on your house):
Videos: Here are some videos for your information and inspiration.
Community News
Sports News & Update
Central Zone Track & Field Carnival 2022
With a beautiful day presenting itself for our athletes and spectators to kick start the day, it is pleasing to say that our Central Zone Track and Field representatives had a wonderful day at O'Quinn Street last Wednesday.
Our athletes were rewarded with nine students being selected in the Central Zone team to compete at the Darling Downs Trials on 24 August. A number of other students only just narrowly missed qualifying times or distances and to be selected with only the top two competitors through to the next level.
This is the "nature of the beast" and of which these carnivals teach our students so much, such as being able to perform on the day, and is a great lesson in resilience when put in the "pressure cooker" so to speak.
Concordia is immensely proud of your efforts!
Well done to all, and a big thank you to everyone who helped get our students ready for these carnivals, ranging from office staff, getting paperwork out to parents, right through to our sports coaches from SSC, Mr Mathews and Mr Anderton who assisted, and parents who have helped in getting students to training, before and after school for the past five weeks in the lead up this term.
Our staff on the day were magnificent in looking after the team with a big thank you to Mrs Lynch and Mr McCullough. It was also nice to see so many parents there on the day to cheer on our team in their events. Our athletes all showed exceptional sportsmanship and team spirit.
Special mention to the following athletes who gained selection in the Central Zone team for 2022:
Arabella Knopke, Charlie Lowis, James Rice, Chase Robertson, Isaac Seddon, Anya Vermeulen, Emily Evans, Thomas Wise and Emma Walkington.
We wish these students all the best in their training, and in this next level of competition, aiming for selection in the Darling Downs team to compete at the State Titles in Brisbane.
See below for overview of individual top three placings from carnival in various events.
Name | Event | Place |
Milla Cronje | 12 Yrs Girls High Jump | 2nd |
Marcus Dealtry | 11 Yrs Boys 1500m | 3rd |
Emily Evans | 10 Yrs Girls Combined event | 2nd |
Charlie Lowis | 11 Yrs Boys Long Jump | 2nd |
11 Yrs Boys Discus | 1st | |
11 Yrs Boys High Jump | 2nd | |
11 Yrs Boys Shot Put | 1st | |
11 Yrs Boys Combined event | 3rd | |
Arabella Knopke | 11 Yrs Girls Discus | 2nd |
11 Yrs Girls 100m | 2nd | |
11 Yrs Girls Shot Put | 1st | |
11 Yrs Girls 800m | 2nd | |
11 Yrs Girls 1500m | 1st | |
James Rice | 12 Yrs Boys 100m | 2nd |
12 Yrs Boys Long Jump | 1st | |
12 Yrs Boys Discus | 2nd | |
12 Yrs Boys 200m | 1st | |
Chase Robertson | 12 Yrs Boys High Jump | 1st |
12 Yrs Boys 100m | 3rd | |
12 Yrs Boys Long Jump | 2nd | |
Annabelle Scouller | 10 Yrs Girls 1500m | 1st |
10 Yrs Girls Discus | 3rd | |
Isaac Seddon | 10 Yrs Boys Shot Put | 1st |
William Spoelder | 10 Yrs Boys Discus | 3rd |
Anya Vermeulen | 12 Yrs Girls Shot Put | 2nd |
12 Yrs Girls Discus | 1st | |
Emma Walkington | 11 Yrs Girls 1500m | 3rd |
11 Yrs Girls Long Jump | 2nd | |
11 Yrs Girls 200m | 1st | |
11 Yrs Girls 100m | 1st | |
11 Yrs Girls Combined event | 1st | |
Isaac Warrener | 11 Yrs Boys Shot Put | 2nd |
Thomas Wise | 10 Yrs Boys 1500m | 2nd |
Multi Class Track & Field Carnival 2022
Also last Friday the annual Darling Downs Multi Class Track and Field carnival was held at Glennie, with our own Benji Chettle representing Concordia proudly in a number of events throughout the day. This was his first representative carnival.
We are so proud of your efforts and achievements this year in all that you attempt in your sporting endeavours, congratulations Benji!

Concordia Sports Survey - Last Chance!
Many thanks to everyone who has already completed the Sports survey asking what sports our students are participating in, what clubs they play for and what they are interested in participating in.
We will be using this information to inform our Sports strategy moving forward, so the more members of the community who complete it, the more accurate the data will be.
So far, we have had just over 170 submissions for the Sports Survey. If you would like to have your say and help shape the future of sport at Concordia, please complete the survey by clicking on the following button. We estimate it should take you a maximum of 1-2 minutes.
The survey was due to close today, but I will keep it open over the weekend for anyone who needs a little bit more time. It will be closed on Monday morning.
An overview of the survey will be shared with the College community in next week's edition of The Week Ahead.
Mrs Bianca Coleborn
Director of Marketing & Enrolments
Project Based Learning at Concordia
Junior College
From the Junior College Directors
Term 3 could be officially named as the camping term as our Year 3 students were the next year level to head off to camp yesterday. From all reports, they have had a fantastic time and there are sure to be some very tired little campers tonight. Thank you to the staff who attended the camp but also to those who assisted in the organisation and planning for this trip.
Food at School
Food at school is a vital part of student learning. We have three 鈥榤eals鈥 throughout the day and each has an important role to play.
Crunch and Sip/Fruit break - This is a mid-morning snack where the students are able to stop for a few minutes to have a quick snack and a drink of water. For the 鈥榗谤耻苍肠丑鈥 snack, we encourage it to be fruit or vege sticks such as carrot or celery. Please bring this snack in a separately named container or as a whole fruit such as a banana.
Lunches (both breaks) - We like to encourage our students to bring healthy food for school lunches. Foods that cover the food groups of fruits and vegetables, dairy, grains and meats are highly recommended. We do discourage foods high in sugar as this impedes students鈥 ability to concentrate on their learning. Be mindful to include enough food for the whole day.
We also like to encourage "nude food" in the lunch boxes every day. Some of our students are currently learning about the impact of waste and plastics in our environment. Did you know that about 400 kilograms of waste is produced by each Australian household every year? If possible, please consider this.
Blessings for the week ahead.
to view HSC's Events for Term 3, Week 7.
to view WSC's Events for Term 3, Week 7.
Mrs Juanetta Priest - Director of Campus (Hume Street)
Mrs Jackie Minnikin - Director of Campus (Warwick Street)
Loanialu Health Clinic
The students in Years 4 and 5 have been studying Acts of Service. Mrs Monika Bennett came and spoke to them during Term 2. They were so captured by the stories that she told, that they decided they wanted to do something to assist. As a result, we are learning a little more about Loanialu and gathering Head Lice products to send to Vanuatu. The following is a script that Rylee and Seth will present to the students during Assembly.
Free Dress Day to support Loanialu Health Clinic - 29 August

JC Year 6 Cairns Trip - Great Barrier Reef Education Experience Program
Our JC Year 6 class will depart and head to Cairns for Week 9 of this term.
To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion, the Queensland Government, through the Great Barrier Reef Education Experience Program, provided a subsidy to the school of $150.00 per student who will be attending the excursion.
We wish all of our Year 6 students, their teachers and our parent helpers, a safe trip. We look forward to following them each day through their Seesaw blogs.
JC Library News
It was very exciting to see that many of the books that we have in our Primary Library collections have been announced as 2022 Book of the Year award winners today.
Leading up to Book Week and this announcement, I have been sharing these stories with the students and I am thrilled that some of my personal favourites have won awards. The winners in some of the categories are as follows 鈥
Book of the Year: Younger Readers
A Glasshouse of Stars by Shirley Marr
Honour Books
Dragon Skin by Karen Foxlee
Rabbit, Soldier, Angel, Thief by Katrina Nannestad
Book of the Year: Early Childhood
Jetty Jumping by Andrea Rowe
Honour Books
Walk of the Whales by Nick Bland
Amira鈥檚 Suitcase by Vikki Conley
Picture Book of the Year
Iceberg by Jess Racklyeft [text by Claire Saxby]
Honour Books
Stellarphant by James Foley
Just One Bee by Christopher Nielsen [text by Margrete Lamond & Anthony Bertini]
We will celebrate Book Week and these books next week with our annual Book Parade at each campus on Wednesday. I am looking forward to seeing all of the amazing costumes and the students sharing their books with each other.
Pyjama Storytime will be held at each campus as per the flyer in this edition of The Week Ahead.
Mrs Karen Maben
Junior College Library Coordinator
JC Year 6 Cairns Trip
On Monday 5 September to Friday 9 September our JC Year 6 students will be attending the exciting Cairns Trip. Please find attached the including the and .
All students are to be dropped at Hume Street Campus by 6am for a 6.45am departure.
- Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission by Wednesday 17 August 2022:
- Login to Parent Lounge >
- click on Events & Payments >
- click on JC 2022 Year 6 Cairns Trip >
- Accept >
- Save
*Please click on the Jotform link below to fill in that you give permission for staff to administer Panadol to your child if needed.*
After submitting your permission, please check and ensure your Parent Lounge portal is up-to-date regarding your child鈥檚 Emergency Contact Info, Medical Conditions and Food Allergies/Dietary Requirements.
Should you any further queries regarding the Cairns Trip, please contact your child鈥檚 teacher
Outside School Hours Care
Hume Street Campus
HSC Father's Day Breakfast and Kite Making Activities
HSC Parent Connect Father's Day Stall - Wednesday 31 August
The HSC Parent Connect will be running our annual Father鈥檚 Day Stall on Wednesday 31 August. There will be $5.00 gifts available to purchase.
Gifts - Your child/ren may like to purchase a present for Dads, Grandads or any other special Fatherly role models. All orders and money are due by Friday 26 August.
Please place the money in an envelope marked with:
- Child鈥檚 name
- Amount in envelope
- Number of gifts to be purchased
HSC Kindy to Year 2 PJ Storytime

HSC Tuckshop - 1 September Cancelled
Please note that due to scheduled events at SSC, there will be no tuckshop on Thursday 1 September. Tuckshop will be back on the following week.
HSC Tuckshop Orders
At HSC, Tuckshop is held on a Thursday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.
Warwick Street Campus
WSC Father's Day Sausage Sizzle - Thursday 1 September
WSC Father鈥檚 Day Stall
The Parent Connect will be running our annual Father鈥檚 Day Stall on Thursday 1 September. This year there will be both $5.00 and $10.00 gifts available to purchase.
Gifts - Your child/ren may like to purchase a present for Dads, Grandads or any other special Fatherly role models. Money will need to be brought to school on Thursday 1 September. If you would like your child to purchase more than one gift (maybe for Grandad?), there may be an opportunity for them to do so.
Please place the money in an envelope marked with:
- Child鈥檚 name
- Amount in envelope
- Number of gifts to be purchased
WSC Tuckshop Orders
At WSC, Tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.
WSC Kindy to Year 2 PJ Storytime

Stephen Street Campus
From the Director of Campus
Wow, what a busy but thoroughly enjoyable week. This week I had the great privilege of seeing the best of our students across a number of events and activities 鈥 what an amazing showcase of talent we have within our small community!
Arts in Focus
I wish to thank those from our community who attended and provided such positive feedback about our Arts in Focus event, held last Saturday at the Empire Theatre Armitage Centre.
At times I had to pinch myself that the performers in front of me were high school students, given the polished dance, drama and musical productions.
Our Visual Arts display was also a fantastic cross section of the different techniques and mediums used by students to express themselves and ideas. Well done to all staff who helped put this event together 鈥 the many hours you have invested certainly paid off.

Year 6 鈥 High School Experience Day
Our Year 6 students from Warwick Street and Hume Street Campuses returned to Stephen Street Campus on Monday for their second high school experience day. I sincerely thank Mr Paul Baker and Ms Kellie Maddock for breaking from their normal routine and setting up for a day of learning with us.
There was a bit of friendly rivalry during the day, with Year 6 taking on Year 7 in Soccer. Quietly, I think the Year 7 students were a little shocked by the calibre of athletes in the Year 6 group!
Mrs Lexi Morton and I spent some very enjoyable time with the groups during a Science lesson. Students participated in the 鈥淓gg Drop Challenge鈥, where they need to use limited materials to create a design that would protect an egg from breaking when dropped from height. As you can see below, this was not as simple as it may have appeared…

Year 11 Leadership Camp
Another great highlight this week was spending Tuesday with our Year 11 students on their Leadership Camp at Luther Heights in Coolum. After seeing the students in action during the day, I am filled with great confidence in their ability to take on the leadership responsibilities that they are about to take on.
There was a great sense of connection and perseverance in the group as they took on challenges such as high ropes challenge courses, and escape room (what fun this was!) and the 200m flying fox.
From here students have the opportunity to nominate for formal leadership positions, with speeches, interviews and elections to be held in the coming weeks. We remind these students however, that they all carry leadership responsibilities and capabilities, even if these don鈥檛 come with a title.

All the best to our Year 12 students who are starting their mock exam block today. As we move one step closer to the real deal in Term 4, we remind our students to take care of themselves and focus on the basics of getting good quality sleep and nutrition to support their bodies and minds.
Our Parent Connect group is holding their family day of ten pin bowling this Sunday. Many thanks to all families and community members who are coming out for the afternoon in support of this.
Have a great week.
Yours in faith,
Mr Jamie Pukallus
Director of Campus
Free Elevate Parent Webinar - Note Taking
The Elevate Term 3 Webinar series is focusing exclusively on Essay Writing, and how parents can help their children become better essay writers at home.
The next webinar will be focusing exclusively on Note Taking - I鈥檝e included all the details you鈥檒l need below to promote this webinar to your parents, but please let me know if there's anything else I can provide - we'd love to see your parents come along to the event:
Wednesday 24 August, 6.30pm
How to Help Your Child Write Better Notes
Here's what Elevate will be covering:
鉁 The most effective way to structure notes
鉁 The three levels of acquiring knowledge and how to implement this with your child at home
鉁 The power of deliberate practice and the fastest way for your child to improve their marks.
Sports News
Representative sport:
Congratulations to Selina Richards who recently competed in the Queensland Schools Orienteering Championships at Mt Crosby.
Team sport results:
鈥 Primary Boys: SMC Primary 8 d Concordia 1
鈥 Primary Girls: Concordia 9 d Fairholme College 3
鈥 Under 15 Boys: SMC 15 Blue 14 d Concordia 2
鈥 U15 Boys: Concordia drew with Highlands
鈥 U17 Boys: Allstars Purple 68 d Concordia 42
鈥 Intermediate Girls: Concordia 75 d Fairholme 3 53. Despite the large winning margin overall, the first and third sets were very close (25-23 and 25-22 respectively) with only the 2nd set being a comfortable win for us.
鈥 Mixed Team: Concordia 103 d Itsy Bitsy Spikers 97. We won the first half by 5 and the second half by just 1 to give us a 6-point win overall.
鈥 U13s: Concordia/TAS 39 d Faith 女女视频 College 0
鈥 U15s: Faith 女女视频 College 7 defeat Concordia/TAS 0
鈥 Open: Concordia/TAS 19 defeat Faith 女女视频 College 12
The U13s and Open Teams, are undefeated and have a first-place finish at the conclusion of the regular season fixtures. As a result, next week, each team will face off against SCOTS PGC in the 1 vs 4 elimination semi-final.
Community Sport
Want to play Softball?
A new season of softball is starting in October. If you're interested in playing in a team with the Toowoomba Devils Softball Club, or .
The Toowoomba Softball Association is holding a free Holiday Clinic on Monday 26 September and a free Have a Go day for softball and tee ball on Sunday 9 October. .
Boarding News
Term 3, Week 6 - wow, where has this year gone?
Our Year 11 students were at Coolum on their Leadership Camp this week. What a beautiful place to relax and make memories.
Mock exams start for Year 12, Disney excursion for Year 8 students and this Saturday we will be hosting our first Boarder Disco where we have invited our Stephen Street Campus Day students. Everyone is pumped and eager for Saturday to arrive. Many photos to come next week.
Last week we had cake making and icing, a trip to Queens Park, salty plums for those who have a liking, a demonstration of how to collect the weekend stores in a safe manner (hence the trolley) and students having a great time at the park. Shopping at Grand Central along with sports and inside games. Fun packed for all students with kids being kids and some adults feeling like kids. A good laugh is good medicine for us all.
Hope you all enjoy the pics.
Stay safe and take care.
Mrs Maureen Taurima
Girls' Houseparent